My Heart Sings

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The W’s and H of Apologizing…

Apology is an expression of repentance or guilt over having said or done something, which is perceived and considered hurtful or detrimental. This also requests for pardon and forgiveness.

For many of us, it is hard to swallow our pride and say, “We are sorry.” If you experience such difficulty in resolving conflicts and arguments brought by hurting words and actions, here are some helpful points to humbly earn forgiveness while you keep your dignity.

  • Discern and reflect. The first thing to do is to realize that what you did was not upright which may either intentionally or unintentionally hurt the other person/party.

  • Mean the words that you say. Therefore, take full account on it. There should be no excuses, no alibis.

  • Consider when, where and how to apologize. These may have effects on correcting mistakes, resolving conflicts and winning forgiveness.

  • Know the exact words to say and express your apology. This can make you more comfortable and at ease. Lesser mistakes, lapses and misunderstanding may occur.

  • Do the apology personally… face to face. Effort may mean something worth appreciating for. This also strengthens both sincerity and honesty.

  • Remember that for a sincere and true apology to be complete, it needs a resolution, a promise or an assurance.

Apologizing may not be as easy as it may seem. However, the fruits of doing so can really bring a lot to you and may change the way you feel, see things and even the way you live.



  1. Apologizing - such a hard thing to do, but so important for healthy relationships. You handle the subject well. Thank you.

  2. My parents were always the first to say sorry when they found out they were wrong. I am ever grateful for their example. Apologizing says, "I'm human, and I love you (care) enough to not only show you my humanity, but also my humility."

  3. Saying sorry is to hardest thing to do...
    But one should apologize as soon as possible... cause as its said...
    "Don't expect to repent at 11th hour,
    you may die 10.30..."

    your posts are very interesting... :)

  4. How many issues could be prevented if we all learned to apologize? I believe that you're a wise person to understand the dynamics of human nature enough to be able to clearly outline what's needed and expected in an apology, as well as detailed instructions on how to do it. I think that I will be passing this along anonymously to a certain person in my own life who cannot for the life of them apologize to anyone, ever.

    Great write. Oh, and PS, I have added your blog to my blogroll! (:

  5. Good guidelines on how to make a sincere apology. Thank you.

  6. Hi Good post. It always makes one feel better to repent and apologize. Question I have MYBLOGLOG too and how do I get the widget like yours. I do have one on my blog but don't know if it's the same as yours. I would like to recent visitors on my blog. If you can help Thanks~ :)

  7. Awesome and truthful post. Apologizing is so hard for us to do but it is something in which we must do. We must do that which is right in the sight of God. When we have wronged someone our soul is full of guilt and in order to remove the guilt we must face the wrong in which we committed. We must apologize with a sincere and truthful heart as well. Blessings!

  8. Apologizing when one has done wrong is a very hard thing. But like Dan mentioned above important for a healthy relationship. Thanks for sharing.

  9. "Never ruin an apology with an excuse." Kimberly Johnson.

    Thanks for your post, I enjoyed reading it!
