My Heart Sings

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Getting rich at our fingertips…

I would always love to visit book sales at the malls, marketplaces and bazaars that offer and sell books at their lowest yet most reasonable price tags.

Books are my friends, my source of fresh ideas and my means of achieving professional growth on my own, silently.

I was on my quest for a new good book to add my collection of educational and informational treasures when I had seen this very handy book on how someone can get rich the soonest time possible without sacrificing the quality of life that he deserves.

I suddenly got interested in reading so I decided to buy a copy. Although at first I was not that really hooked to it, I found the book quite helpful to those individuals like my hubby and me who would always look forward for a brighter and more stable future.

I have discerned on these points and decided to make it happen, in its perfect time. Though we are not in a hurry or in a rush, we would want to achieve success and financial stability in our early years. This is not just for us to enjoy life and savor each moment but also continuously pass on to others the blessings we receive.

With this, I would like to start this good deed by sharing little things that I have found really useful and of great help. The following are some of those keys that the book cited:

• Learn the value of time.
• Set lifelong goals.
• Stay out of debt.
• Learn to accept failure positively.
• Develop winning attitudes and habits.
• Keep everything in focus.
• Work with the right people.
• Develop total self-discipline.
• Strengthen faith.
• Make happiness, not wealth, your ultimate goal.

Hope these points would help you, too. You may already have acquired, attained and established some of the abovementioned points, right? All you have to do is to develop, modify and practice these things and stuffs.

Let us all enjoy life and indulge into its beauty and riches!

Cheers to our being joyful and successful!



  1. Enjoyed reading this post. Surely this helps to get the most out of life. :)

  2. One thing which is very hard to accept is the failure.. So it should be taken positively.. Anyway, Good points you got there! :)

  3. Very interesting advices, these are the most fundamental aspects of life. I'm sure that following these principles lead to a bright future for all and richer too (mentally and if possible also financially).

    Thanks for posting and have a great weekend!

  4. it's good info, thanks, and do continue for post.

  5. Hi Myraine,

    I linked you to my blog. I also have a surprise for you from a post that I did last week. Check it out.
    Fondly, DCRose

  6. I liked your article I personally love to read --mostly older novels lately blogs but certain older books are now more entertaining then television

  7. I have to agree with Bhing, "failure is very hard to accept sometimes". I do my best at not getting upset when things do not go right. Thanks so much for this advice.

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