My Heart Sings

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Be Perfectly Beautiful…

Do you have what it takes to be beautiful? If you feel that you are less beautiful outside, you should not be sorry; real beauty does not end in being pretty and gorgeous. Indeed, it has more regards to your being stunningly beautiful inside.

Here are the simple ways on how we reveal the real beauty within:

Be happy. It is the most basic thing that we all could do to reveal the beauty within. When we are happy, everything just seems so light. We see ourselves in the mirror with that unusual glow – a glow that comes from the inside. This is also what others see. This is what makes us totally beautiful – the way we carry ourselves and the way we live your lives.

Be confident and believe that you are beautiful. Many people say that being beautiful is all in the state of mind. Once we believe that we are strikingly beautiful; then we are. Others will follow. But this is crucial for we should not be full of ourselves. If we do, it can drive away beauty and our friends too. We must stay meek, humble and simple.

Think positive. We all have problems and these challenges are there to make us stronger and better persons. Dwelling on dilemmas simply ruins our outlook in life and therefore, affecting our minds, giving us stress, messing up our lives – and it all ends up to us, feeling less beautiful. Thinking positive reveals the beauty within through providing us with something to hold onto, or something to look forward to. When we expect something good to happen, we tend to prepare for it – thus everything follows.

Have faith. Holding onto HIM is one essential way in revealing the beauty within. It is only in His will that we could be truly beautiful. Peace is in His guidance and love. If we are in His arms, everything will be in its proper places. For Him, we are perfectly beautiful.

Furthermore, it is not difficult to be beautiful. Everything just depends on the choices we make. Options are always available. Be beautiful or not at all? Revealing our true brilliance just requires some good decisions; decisions we make, that may change our lives forever.

Stay healthy, happy and beautiful forever!



  1. I don't care too much about my outer beauty, but sometimes looking good is feeling good for me... Interested in blogroll link exchange?

  2. this is a nice post!
    keep it up...

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  3. I prefer inner beauty. Outer beauty is nothing.

  4. good post indeed real beauty radiates from within if you are beautiful inside it makes you a better person in the eyes of others...

  5. Great post about being beautiful

    keep smile and regards :)

  6. Your words are simple but revealing. If only people would realize that happiness is a choice, and it does not come from looks or money, but from within.

    May Your Glass Always Be Half Full

  7. that's a sweet post. I'm constantly in a battle with myself to be less vain, I know it shouldn't matter so much about how I look.

  8. You're right!Real beauty does not end in being pretty and gorgeous, but inside the heart. A nice, kind ,loving and accommodating person is beautiful!!

  9. My uncle told me when I was 15. "If you do not love yourself, how do you expect others to love you?"
    I never forgot that and I honestly do believe that we have to love ourselves first before others can love us. Loving ourselves first brings out the beauty within. We have to put ourselves first so that we can give to others fully.
    Nice blog, I'm glad I got a chance to visit.

  10. I never cared much about outer beauty either. It's the inner person I look for. Some of society's "prettiest" people are ruined by their actions and attitudes. Great blog. (I actually visited last night but wasn't logged in and didn't realize it until today so had to come back so I could leave you a comment :)

  11. i think that you have a really good point and advice.

  12. nice post! keep up the good postings! Think positive ftw!
