My Heart Sings

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Once Dreamed to Become a Music Teacher…

But Music Seemed not to Like Me…

I know how to sing…
But I do not sing well.
I am a choir member…
But I seldom sing in solo.
I am an English teacher…
But I can never be a music teacher.

I wanted to be into music…
But music never liked me.
I wished to play an instrument…
But I simply didn’t have the guts to try.

Though music and I can never be ONE…

I would still listen to it…
I would endlessly appreciate its beauty…
I would constantly have it as my inspiration…
I would always love it so dearly…

Then, now and forever…
It would still be music and me.

What music can do to me… to us?

Music helps me deal with my emotions – be it expressed or suppressed, relieve my stresses and other anxieties brought to me by work, personal and social issues, financial insecurities, and many more.

Music plays a vital role to our family: it lends endless avenues for the flow of suppressed feelings of disappointments, helplessness or frustrations in one's life – assuring that certain joy, contentment and confidence, which are the basic needs for a happy living.

For me, music is like my cup of coffee – soothing, relaxing, refreshing and detoxifying; music is an entertainment; it cuts both my life’s monotony and boredom.

Music is my life and my inspiration… my one source of happiness, strength and motivation.

I simply admire people who are passionate about music, who live with music. If you can say that music is your life, well, that is pretty awesome!

Now, my dear virtual friends, what is music to you?



  1. Wow, I read your post and I feel like you read my heart. I am a lover of music, always have been. I like to sing, never been good at it. I use to play the harp, but it never came easy; I'm confidence that I must a have a music reading learning disability. I found my calling when I started to dance, but never went professional. Now I'm out of shape and don't dance that much. In college I thought about putting two of my passions together: dance+psychology=dance therapist
    I was super excited but my family did not support that and I lost my financial aid eligibility.

    I am so happy to find another music lover. People who aren't just don't get it. I would love for you to check my blog and tell me what you think.

    Oh and I almost forgot, I like your blog a lot, if you can't tell.

  2. Every one is a patron of music in this world. We all have a hidden musician inside us. It all depends on how strong your desire is to dedicate your life to music.

    A friendly suggestion. Keep the Google search box at the top of the post to make the full use of it and to earn some money from it. Thanks.

  3. Nice one!

    Music can lift me up when I'm down, make me fly above the clouds and make me smile when I'm crying.

  4. i'm alover of music and i don't know what my life would be if not for the sweet songs i hear everyday :D

  5. Music is like a friend when I was alone. But unlike other people, I cann't fall sleep while listening to music, I think maybe it excites me too.
