My Heart Sings

Monday, June 8, 2009

December 16, 2006... Exchanging of Vows for a Lifetime Commitment

Recipe for a Happy Marriage

1 cupful of consideration
1 cupful of courtesy
2 cupfuls of flattery carefully concealed
2 cupfuls of milk of human kindness
1 gallon of faith in GOD and to each other
2 cupfuls of praise and appreciation
1 small pinch of in-laws
1 reasonable budget
A generous dash of cooperation
3 teaspoons of pure extract of “I am sorry and Thank you.”
1 cupful of contentment
1 cupful each of confidence and encouragement
2 children at least
1 large or several small hobbies
1 cupful of blindness t each other’s faults
Unlimited scoops of unconditional
Love, trust, joy and respect.

Indeed, these ingredients make a yummy, mouth-watering and palatable marriage dish. Together, let us all make our relationships with our better halves deliciously perfect, truly one of a kind. Indulge in each bite and savor each remarkably amazing experience - our lifetime commitment.
God bless!

Blogger's Note: The photos you see are the very few wedding memories which were left after the fire; the rest were just kept in our hearts as well as in the minds of those who attended, our dear 284 guests (loved ones, relatives, friends, special people and many more).
Thanks to social media networking sites like multiply and friendster. Though we were not able to upload all our wedding pics and my child's cute little memories, we are still thankful that there are some uploaded pics to remind us of every moment we have had. Cheers!


  1. Beautiful bride!Brigitte Bardot used to say that 'a picture is a moment of life captured for the eternity and it will never stop remembering who you used to be' - I love photography but I don't like taking pictures of myself most of the time. You are a beautiful woman, and you have a beautiful family. You're truly blessed!
    Kisses from Brazil!

  2. Your blog is a beautiful reminder of the good things in life.

  3. Great photos, great blog thank you

  4. Wow, what a lovely post of wedding pictures (kilig..^^)!
    I admire your blog for its positive and inspiring contents. Thanks for sharing..
