My Heart Sings

Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Facebook Status on the 1st day of 2010

Life has always been at its best because of YOU, our Savior and our GOD... my best friend and my LOVE. WE live a very happy and fulfilled life because of YOU.

My entire family has been in so many tough things in 2009, lots of tests of faith (fire and flood incidents that took everything away, a loss of a loved one, my hubby's dad...) that really tormented our hearts away. Yet, we are so proud that we're able to stand still, stronger, better and happier.

Indeed, we survived these trials because of God's love and grace as well as the love and support of people around us, friends, relatives and loved ones. With all these blessings, we are very optimistic. We truly are and forever will be thankful, prayerful and hopeful. GOD Bless US all! God is always GOOD. Jesus Loves Us. Mama Mary Loves Us.

Happy new year, everyone. Ren, Eieo and I wish YOU all a blessed, prayerful and joyous year ahead. Thanks for all the memories and love that we all shared in many great ways. May we all have a prosperous 2010.

Welcome 2010! Keep rockin' our worlds! Laughin’ out loud!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Family Christmas Prayer

OUR Loving Father,
help us remember the birth of Jesus – that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.

May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake.

This we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Very Beautiful Prayer on My Birthday

On December 13, Sunday at exactly 12 midnight (Manila Time), I whispered this very special and beautiful prayer from my heart.

Dear Lord,
I thank You for giving me another year of life, happiness, serenity and good health. I thank You for all the people who have remembered me today, for all the countless blessings you have given me all year round, the achievements, experiences, successes, memories, opportunities and strengths.

I sincerely thank You for the sunshine, for the laughter, and for the gifts of family and friends that remind me of Your loving presence everyday.

I thank You, my dear Savior for all those tests of faith, sorrow and pain that made me stronger and drove me closer to You – trusting You more, holding unto You at all times. These have made us realize how blessed we are and reminded us to always be trusting, grateful and hopeful.

I thank you for another year that has passed and another year blessed with Your kindness and love. Thank You too for touching my life and let me experience Your goodness everyday. The gift of love and life that I receive from You is the greatest blessing that I would be always grateful for.

Forgive me for the times that I sinned against You and Your will and for the times of failure which indeed reminded me of my own weaknesses and of my strong need for you.

Help me to start this special day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day; to still my mind so that I can hear from You. Lord, help me broaden my mind and faith that I can accept all things You have planned for me.

Bless me with Your wisdom and knowledge that I can share for Your glory. Let me not whine and whimper over things; please keep me safe, secured and pampered as always.

Be with me Lord to give the best response when I’m pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can’t pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will and continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me uplifted and inspired that I may have words of encouragement for others.

Lord, I also thank you for your wonderful gifts, my husband, Rainier, our little prince, Eieo and our families, loved ones and friends. Bless us greatly with Your love, divine wisdom and discernment. Keep us committed and bonded with Your great love; We love because You first loved us. Bless also our loving families that Your grace and love may pour forth and overflow on them. Let our families be a testament of Your goodness and blessings.

With all that I am, and with all that I have ...
I offer my everything, my life to You, my God.

This is what I have to say whenever I feel happy and inspired or even when I am in pain...

Because I know in my heart that indeed


Monday, December 7, 2009

Our Mother Mary…

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

"Chaire, Kecharitomene" "Gratia Plena"

We thank you for your guidance, intercession and motherly love. Your arms, open wide, have always been our sanctuary where we consistently find genuine serenity, comfort and peace.

In your womb, bore a Child, a Living God and a Divine Savior. We beg you to please pray for us and lead us to Jesus.

You have always kept your eyes on us and have touched our lives in many ways… so today as we struggle to find love, unity and justice, give us the blessing to still appreciate the good things that life has to offer.

Listen to Inay, watch the video and feel how blessed we are to have Her.

Let us all join hands in prayers. This has always been the greatest source of our Faith, Strength and Inspiration. God bless everyone!

INAY (Mother) - Rev. Fr. Arnel Aquino, SJ

In faith,

Rainier, Myraine and Eieo

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Happiest Christmas to Celebrate

There are still great reasons to celebrate Christmas this year...

The blaze that struck our humble homes...

We experienced TWO traumatic incidents in a row - all in the same year - 2009.

First, the fire incident last May 7, 2009 - that took everything away from us, we had zero at hand. All that we have are each other's hands, our Faith in HIM and the LOVE to and for everyone. Everything that we have worked hard for, turned into ashes. Nothing left except the good memories we spent each day and the lessons we learned from those experiences and talks we once had. We are thankful, indeed, that we have friends and relatives who extended their help and made us feel so important, loved and blessed. This truly gave us strength and the determination to start and rise from these catastrophes and WE DID IT...

Next, the typhoon Ondoy last September 26, 2009 - that left a large portion of the country into a horrible disaster. For the second time, all our things were taken away from us, very few were left, some were wet, most were gone, damaged and destroyed... Thanks to Ketsana (Ondoy).

We were one of those families who were forced to evacuate due to the very sudden increase of flood water - the highest level so far (almost in our ceilings).

No one expected this to happen. Everyone got affected - many families lost their houses and belongings, and so we were. Many individuals died... My father was one of them. And the saddest part, I could not do anything to save him... But then again, I am consoled knowing that he is in Good Hands now... Free from any worries and heartaches. I DID IT...

Now, Christmas is fast-approaching. Is there any reason for us to celebrate and still be grateful?

Yes, there are still plenty of reasons to celebrate and be merry:

* We learned to appreciate each blessing we receive from God.
* We learned that we have friends and relatives who love us dearly.
* We learned the virtue of giving and extending a hand to those who are need.
* We learned to become more optimistic and always stay hopeful and fulfilled.
* We learned to become more faithful to a living God who is always true to His promises.
* I learned that waking up every morning, seeing my wife and son is just enough reason to be thankful and to celebrate the happiest Christmas.

These trials can never put us down... We are thankful for these experiences for they made us stronger. God giveth, God taketh... Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

May all those who read this post be inspired and feel that this Christmas is still worth celebrating. Let us all be thankful to HIM.

- Rainier