My Heart Sings

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pope John Paul II and His Big Heart - A Story of Sincere and Genuine Forgiveness

Pope John Paul II - A True Christian
He is indeed our daily dose of inspiration. Hubby and I are so sure that our 'Pope' has lived his life to the fullest as he has been very worthy of the "life" GOD has given and entrusted to him.

Pope John Paul II & Mehmet ali Ağca, 1983

This photo is very touching. It amazingly reminds me of goodness, genuine forgiveness, humility, sincerity and purity.

The picture shows Pope John Paul II with Mehmet ali Ağca, who, on 13 May 1981, severely wounded John Paul during an attempt to assassinate him in Rome.

Following the shooting, John Paul asked the world to "Pray for my brother (Ağca), whom I have sincerely forgiven."

Two days after Christmas 1983, John Paul II visited the prison where his would-be assassin was being held. The two spoke privately for 20 minutes. John Paul II said, "What we talked about will have to remain a secret between him and me. I spoke to him as a brother whom I have pardoned and who has my complete trust."

His words were amazing. He's so admirable.

We miss you so much, Pope John Paul II.
You will surely be in our hearts forever... sharing your life, legacy and faith to the next generation, our children and even to our children's children...
passing on the good news from one generation to another.
Your CHRISTian life and good works are all worth sharing to all.

We sincerely thank GOD for giving you to us. Thanks for being an inspiration, for touching our hearts and changing our lives.

A toast to your being a Saint! Cheers!

Pope John Paul II’s Beatification on May 1: ‘Be not afraid’ a lasting legacy

More Updates and Stories HERE. Please click the LINKS.

Beatification and canonization of Pope John Paul II

The future starts today, not tomorrow. - Pope John Paul II

"Forgiveness happens inside the person doing the forgiving. It heals our pain and resentment before it does anything for the person we forgive; they might never know about it."

(Lewis Smedes, author of The Art of Forgiving, Morrings, 1996)

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ultimate Love for Photography

View Celine Paola Abacan

Photography is indeed an art, a passion to most people nowadays. Taking pictures and capturing moments are both rewarding experiences that can give you such feelings of joy, serenity and satisfaction.

And with that, I know a friend smiles as she has so much love over photography as well as the great feeling of self-fulfillment her creative bits and pieces always give her.

In this post, I intend to feature a dear friend, Ms. Celine Paola Abacan, a fellow Marian alumna @ SMCM.

She had her bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Economics) at University of Santo Tomas.

With her passion and love over a handful of crafts that indeed make her creative juices overflow, she spends much of her leisure time on music, photography, culinary arts and other church-community services.

Seeing her photos/albums in Facebook, I was amazed how she has taken her photos with much passion. Even without formal schooling, you can see how her masterpieces can be a reflection of what's within her heart and mind. With that, we would like to tap and motivate her (through our own little ways) to pursue doing something she loves as this could really make her so proud, happy and fulfilled.

So Celine, keep up the good work and stay happy.
Cheers! We heart you so much!

See more of her works in her facebook. Love 'em too.

View Ms Celine Paola Abacan
We want to hear from you, too. Ping and be heard. :-)

Another blog featuring the "HOLY WEEK" in Meycauayan City, Bulacan. Visit them here. See great photos. :-)
Parish Commission on Youth Meycauayan. BLOG

♥♥♥ MaiRenEieo ♥♥♥

View Miss Celine Paola Abacan

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ms. Celine Paola Abacan and so the intellectual property rights remain to her. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission. If so, kindly notify the blogger at least. :-) Many Thanks!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pope John Paul II Beatification - A Step Closer to Being a Saint

Pope John Paul II Towards to Being a Saint

Pope John Paul II - Our Inspiration
Indeed, Pope John Paul II will always be OUR ultimate icon of Selfless, Unconditional and Forgiving Love

We love you very much.

John Paul II to be beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on the Feast of Divine Mercy

With millions of the faithful I prayed throughout those final days of his life before he entered the eternal communion of love. What a gift he was - and still is. He showed us how to live and how to love as Jesus, poured out for others. He showed us that suffering joined to the Savior is a sign and vehicle of God's mercy and an occasion of grace. Then, he showed us how to die, not with fear, but with faith.

This Polish Pope was so filled with the love of God it was contagious. A talented and gifted "man of letters", a playwright, a philosopher, an intellectual giant, a poet, and a genuine human being , he had a heart that embraced the whole world like the Heart of the One whom he represented on earth.

He traversed the globe, proclaiming freedom to the captives and truth to the victims of failed false ideologies that had ravaged the people of the twentieth century, the bloodiest in all of human history. He proclaimed the unchanging, Christian message with a prophetic urgency, profound clarity and contemporary relevance.

Many tried to label him but he demonstrated how shallow the labels can be. He was simply a Christian who stood on the shoulders of giants, rooted in the ancient rich tradition of the Church while proclaiming Jesus Christ as "forever young."

Communism, atheism, secularism, and false humanisms, were exposed because he had the courage to stand up to tyrants with the bold message of the God who came among us to make us all new! He taught that Jesus Christ is the path to authentic personal, social and universal freedom!

He authored more encyclical letters, apostolic exhortations, constitutions and letters than any Pope in the two thousand year history of the Christian Church. Once I started reading his writings as a young man I could not stop. I wanted to consume them, and I have done so, over and over.I also hoped to become them and offer them to others. On that front, I have a long way to go.

Over many years I have come to understand more deeply the meaning of living in the communion of the Church because Pope John Paul II taught about it and lived it with such beauty. I have tried to practice his version of authentic ecumenism. I have tried to pass on to others his message of authentic freedom. However, the older I get, the more I realize how little I have accomplished.

This giant whose voice changed history was barely able to speak during those final hours. The once physically robust Pope presided over the Church from a wheelchair as a prophetic sign of the dignity of every human life; the message he carried throughout his pontificate. Just before he died he spoke to a friend at his bedside "I am happy. You should be too. Let us pray together with joy." Then, on April 2, 2005 at 9:37 p.m. after asking, "Let me go to my Father's House", he died in peace. The world wept.

I remember his death like it was yesterday. Along with millions, my heart sunk as he was placed in the earth after such a long period of suffering. When the "transitus" (passing to eternal life) of this holy man was completed it seemed as though that earth stood still. History was changed by the witness of one man singularly conformed to the One whom he served, Jesus Christ.

Pope John Paul II became in both life and death a "living letter", as St Paul wrote to the Corinthians. (2 Cor.3) Also, like the master he loved he became a "grain of wheat" fallen to the ground in order to bear much fruit. (John 12: 24-26) Like countless others my life was forever changed by this prophet who occupied Peters' chair for such a brief time. I must admit, my heart still hurts when I think of him. I miss him.

Like millions, I am convinced that history will record him as "John Paul the Great." However, I am also convinced that his message still needs to be unpacked in order to be used as material for the work to be done in this new missionary age.

There is no doubt that we had a saint in our midst. A man so filled with Jesus Christ that, like the Apostle Paul, he no longer lived but "Christ lived in him." (Galatians 2) The sentiment of the faithful expressed on the day on which his body was processed through the streets of Rome, "Santo Subito" has echoed as the Church has discerned the cause of his canonization.

Now, he will be raised to the Altar on the Feast of Divine Mercy and the faithful will call him "Blessed John Paul II." There is little doubt that soon, we will also affirm what the miracles effected by his continued intercession confirm, John Paul II is a Saint.

Filipino Choir to sing on Pope John Paul II Beatification

- A group of Filipino singers is bestowed with a significant role during the beatification of Pope John Paul II, to happen on May 1st, at St. Peter’s Square Vatican City in Rome. This is after they have been chosen to sing during the commencing of the program. Prior to this actual day of celebrating the late Pope’s beatification, the Vicariato of Rome opted to call on the Pinoy choir basing in the said place to do the opening song on April 30, at Circo Massimo, St. Peter’s Basilica.

The beatification celebration of the pilgrim pope is set to last in three days, wherein various activities are expected to happen all in line with the good will and miracles performed by the Pope.

In line with this, Sentro Filipino Chaplaincy in Rome is now busy making preparations for the said occasion as thanksgiving of the Filipino community for the good will of the late Catholic Church leader for the Filipino nation and the whole world.

The beatification of Pope John Paul II is expected to earn high numbers of Pinoy pilgrims and tourists especially there will be no required passes to attend the occasion.

Pope John Paul II will be beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on the Feast of Divine Mercy.

Reliable Sources:
Catholic Dot Org
Philippine NEWS DAILY

REPOSTING... Associated Press

VATICAN CITY (AP) — During Pope John Paul II's 2005 funeral, crowds at the Vatican shouted for him to be made a saint immediately. "Santo subito!" they chanted for one of the most important and beloved pontiffs in history.

His successor heard their call. On Friday, in the fastest process on record, Pope Benedict XVI set May 1 as the date for John Paul's beatification — a key step toward Catholicism's highest honor and a major morale boost for a church reeling from the clerical sex abuse scandal.

He set the date after declaring that a French nun's recovery from Parkinson's disease was the miracle needed for John Paul to be beatified. A second miracle is needed to be canonized a saint.

Benedict himself will preside at the May 1 ceremony, which is expected to draw hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to Rome for a precedent-setting Mass: Never before has a pope beatified his immediate predecessor.

Although the numbers may not reach the 3 million who flocked here for John Paul's funeral, religious tour operators in his native Poland were already preparing to bus and fly in the faithful to celebrate a man many considered a saint while he was alive.

"We have waited a long time and this is a great day for us," said Mayor Ewa Filipiak of John Paul's hometown of Wadowice, where the faithful lit candles Friday and prayed at a chapel in the town church dedicated to John Paul.

The Rev. Pawel Danek, who runs a museum in John Paul's family home, said Benedict had listened to the prayers.

"The Holy Father has confirmed what we all felt somehow," he said. "For us, John Paul II's holiness is obvious."

Benedict put John Paul on the fast track to possible sainthood just weeks after he died, waiving the typical five-year waiting period before the process could begin. But he insisted that the investigation into John Paul's life be thorough to avoid any doubts about his virtues.

The beatification will nevertheless be the fastest on record, coming a little more than six years after his death and beating out Mother Teresa's then-record beatification in 2003 by a few days.

It is not without controversy, however. While John Paul himself was never accused of improprieties, he has long been accused of responding slowly when the sex abuse scandal erupted in the United States in 2002. Many of the thousands of cases that emerged last year involved crimes and cover-ups during his 26-year papacy.

Critics have faulted John Paul's overriding concern with preserving the rights of accused priests, often at the expense of victims — a concern formed in part by his experiences in communist-controlled Poland, where priests were often accused of trumped-up charges.

The most damaging case linked to John Paul concerned the Rev. Marciel Maciel, the founder of the Legionaries of Christ, a conservative order beloved by the late pope because of its orthodoxy, fundraising prowess and ability to attract priestly vocations.

Allegations that Maciel had raped young seminarians were brought by the victims to the Vatican in the 1990s, but under apparent orders from John Paul's No. 2, a canonical trial was shelved.

Only after Benedict became pope was Maciel sanctioned in 2006; Maciel died two years later.

Despite the Maciel case, Vatican officials have said there was nothing in John Paul's record that put his beatification into question. Vatican watchers noted on Friday that beatification isn't a "score card" on how John Paul administered the church but rather a recognition that he led a saintly life.

Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus, one of the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organizations, said John Paul's life was a model of "love, respect and forgiveness for all."

"We saw this in the way he reached out to the poor, the neglected, those of other faiths, even the man who shot him," Anderson said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "He did all of this despite being so personally affected by events of the bloodiest century in history."

The Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano described his saintliness in these terms Friday: "A passionate witness to Christ from his childhood to his last breath."

The last remaining hurdle before beatification concerned Benedict's approval that the cure of the French nun, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, was a miracle due to the intercession of the late pope.

The nun has said she felt reborn when she woke up two months after John Paul died, cured of the disease that had made walking, writing and driving a car nearly impossible. She and her fellow sisters of the Congregation of Little Sisters of Catholic Maternity Wards had prayed to John Paul.

On Friday, Simon-Pierre said John Paul was and continues to be an inspiration to her because of his defense of the unborn and because they both suffered from Parkinson's.

John Paul "hasn't left me. He won't leave me until the end of my life," she told French Catholic TV station KTO and Italy's state-run RAI television.

Wearing a white habit and wire-rimmed glasses, she appeared in good health and showed no signs of tremors or slurred speech, common symptoms of Parkinson's.

"John Paul II did everything he could for life, to defend life," she said. "He was very close to the smallest and weakest. How many times did we see him approach a handicapped person, a sick person?"

Last year, there were some questions about whether the nun's original diagnosis was correct. But in a statement Friday, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints said Vatican-appointed doctors had "scrupulously" studied the case and determined that her cure had no scientific explanation.

Once he is beatified, John Paul will be given the title "blessed" and can be publicly venerated, or worshipped. Many people, especially in Poland, already venerate him privately, but the ceremony will allow Catholics to publicly worship him.

The Vatican said John Paul's entombed remains, currently in the grotto underneath St. Peter's Basilica, will be moved upstairs to a chapel just inside a main entrance for easier access by the public.

Visitors are expected in droves. Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno had a previously scheduled audience with Benedict on Friday and said he had assured the pope that the city was up to the task.

Born as Karol Wojtyla in 1920, John Paul was the youngest pope in 125 years and the first non-Italian in 455 years when he was elected pontiff in 1978.

He brought a new vitality to the Vatican, and quickly became the most accessible modern pope, sitting down for meals with factory workers, skiing and wading into crowds to embrace the faithful.

His Polish roots nourished a doctrinal conservatism — opposition to contraception, euthanasia, abortion and female priests — that rankled liberal Catholics in the United States and Western Europe.

But his common touch also made him a crowd-pleasing, globe-trotting superstar whose papacy carried the Catholic Church into Christianity's third millennium and emboldened eastern Europeans to bring down the communist system.

He survived an assassination attempt in St. Peter's Square in 1981 — and promptly forgave the Turk who had shot him.

After suffering for years from the effects of Parkinson's, he died in his Vatican apartment on April 2, 2005. He was 84.

Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, John Paul's most trusted friend and aide who was at his bedside that night, gave thanks Friday from Krakow, where he is archbishop.

"We are happy that this process came to an end, that what people asked for — "Santo subito" — was fulfilled," Dziwisz said. "I express great joy on behalf of the entire diocese of Krakow — and I think I am also authorized to express this on behalf of all of Poland."

The selection of May 1 — the first Sunday after Easter — as the beatification date is significant. It's the Feast of Divine Mercy, which John Paul himself inaugurated in 2000 after canonizing Sister Faustina Kowalska, a 20th century Polish mystic to whom he was particularly devoted.

It's also May Day or labor day, what was once a major communist holiday. While there was some irony in the date, few in Poland noted it and Poles today celebrate May 1 as a welcome and uncontroversial holiday like the rest of Europe.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ukay-Ukay Finds, Pre-Loved Items, VIntage Clothes Turned Ultimate Fashion GEMS in an Instant

Ukay-ukay shops have been sprouting literally everywhere – from the hole in the wall store at the street corner to prolific online shops selling thrifted or so-called vintage clothes.

Why is ukay-ukay popular?

Ukay-ukay is the Filipino version of a “flea market”. The ukay-ukay phenomenon started about five to seven years ago and at that time, ukay stores selling cheap and fashionable items could only be found in Baguio. Bargain hunting is popular because going through racks of clothes to find the dress gets your adrenaline pumping, especially when you have to compete with fellow fashionistas who can’t pass up that perfect white summer dress, those lovely boots or that one-of-a-kind edgy graphic-printed skirt.

Ukay ukay may be considered a sport in some ways. Sometimes you score, sometimes you don’t. Some people even swear by their ‘ukay fairies' which help them find wonderful clothes at dirt-cheap prices.

Another reason why people frequent ukay-ukay stores is because everyone wants to have a little designer piece here and there without having to pay designer prices. Lucky shoppers sometimes discover a designer dress for only P200.00, which would normally set them back a couple of thousands, if not more. Yes, ukay-ukay can be a heaven for the avid shopper.

On a more eco-friendly note, thrift shops also pave the way for lessening one’s carbon footprint. Via reduced unnecessary spending and involving the reuse, recycle or re-style of a product, it saves the product from its terminal trip to the landfill.

What is the difference between a thrifted item and a vintage one? Most of the time ukay shops (both physical stores and online stores) interchange these two words which may prove to be confusing.

Defining Thrifting

When the word thrifted is used to describe clothes, it means the item was previously used by an individual and then later donated to a thrift store. Depending on the store, sometimes the money earned from selling these clothes is donated to charity, with a certain portion of it going to the store owner. Wikipedia defines thrifting as “the act of shopping at a thrift store, flea market, garage sale usually with the intent of finding interesting items at a cheap price.” A thrifted item simply means it was purchased from a secondhand dealer, regardless of how old the actual item is.

Defining Vintage

Not just because an item is considered old, you can automatically call it “vintage”. Vintage clothing is a generic term for new or secondhand garments originating from a previous era. Just like fine wine, vintage clothes are aged. The more they age, the greater their value becomes.

Generally, clothing made before the 1920s are considered as antique, while clothing made during the 1920s to 1980s may be considered vintage. However, a vintage purist may tell you that anything made within the past 15 years is not vintage, but considered as contemporary. That said, one not only has to check the dates, but also the craftsmanship that goes along with vintage clothing to determine its authenticity.

Vintage clothing was designed to be worn for years, therefore they were made of robust quality and were meant to be passed down from one family member to the next. Garments usually have unusual buttons, hand finishing, hand embroidery, handmade lace, appliqué, beading and other techniques.

Some Tips on How to Identify Vintage Clothing

* Identify the fabric. Read garment labels, compare the fabric to identified fabrics in your closet, at the fabric store or conduct a burn test. If the fabric is synthetic, most likely the garment was produced after World War II. Nylon, the first synthetic fabric, was available to the public in 1940 in the form of hosiery. General garments made of nylon were not widely available until the 1950s.

* Examine the zipper as its location has changed throughout the decades. A zipper in the center of the back of the dress indicates the garment dates to the late 1950s or later. A zipper starting under the sleeve and ending at the waist or hem indicates the dress was created anywhere from the 1930s to the 1960s. Before the late 1930s, women wore dresses that were fastened or closed with buttons, ties or clasps.

* Observe the cut. Hemlines and sleeves have changed throughout the decades. Hems did not rise above the knee until the 1960s and armholes were very narrow in the 1950s throughout the 1970s. In ladies' wear, waist measurements of dresses were much smaller in proportion to hip and bust measurements in the 1940s and 1950s as compared to the succeeding and directly preceding decades.

Know Your Vintage Clothing Condition
Understandably, because vintage clothing is not new, it is important to determine its condition before purchasing. This is especially useful when buying clothes online as it will help you determine if the garment is worth investing in or not.

* Mint – the item is in pristine condition, as when it was originally made, showing no signs of wear
* Near Mint – showing the slightest signs of wear
* Excellent – showing typical signs of wear due to occasional use
* Very Good – the item is considered wearable but has some surface flaws (staining or soiling)
* Good – an item is wearable but cannot be returned to excellent condition even if repairs are made

Surprisingly, at the ukay-ukay shop there are also affluent-looking individuals and even fashionistas who also sweat their butts out looking for that perfect fashion find. But when you go shopping, look casual and discreet—most ukays are in dodgy locations so it’s best to blend with the crowd.


Looking for that PERFECT clothing in an ukay-ukay is a test of one’s patience. Some people might feel weird about the idea of wearing secondhand clothing, but there’s something timeless and ethereal about ukay-ukay. If you live in a style-conscious city, this guarantees that you won’t look like everybody else. Pretty much items found in ukay-ukay stores are one-of-a-kind pieces. Here is a list of the ukay-ukay stores I’ve visited:

• Baguio (there are a lot around the city, it is locally known as WAGWAGAN)
-Baguio City Market
-Session Road

• Bambang, Sta. Cruz, Manila

• Cubao, QC (near Ali Mall)

• Makati Cinema Square

• Ortigas (across Robinson’s Galleria)

• Grand Central, Monumento LRT Station Exit

• Meycauayan City, Bulacan

• Marilao, Bulacan

• Balagtas, Bulacan

Yes, there is fun in ukay-ukay - such a journey that should be enjoyed in bits and pieces.

Ukay-ukay Philippines - my ultimate gems, fashion treasures in an instant. Love to visit this ukay-ukay stores in Manila, Bulacan, Baguio, Quezon City and all.

Okay sa ukay-ukay! Happy shopping!

Monday, April 18, 2011

AJ Perez and Rico Yan - Their Similarities

I was checking the web for the newest and the hottest Trending Issue at Yahoo and Google when I came across this blog on the presentation of the "shocking similarities of AJ Perez and Rico Yan." Read on and let us hear from you, too. Thanks!

Below is a similar BLOG POST on this issue:

Some people had always noticed the resemblance of AJ Perez's features to that of Rico Yan's. Someone even took a photo of AJ Perez while posing beside the framed picture of Rico displayed in the halls of the ABS-CBN building. Check it out below:

AJ Perez posing beside Rico Yan's picture | Photo courtesy of Ogie Diaz

Acting-wise, it seemed like Star Magic head Johnny Manahan found AJ to follow Rico's footsteps. He reportedly said, “Given the chance, he can be another Rico Yan.”

However, nobody ever expected that AJ would have the same fate as Rico - to die at an early age in the peak of his career in showbiz. Also, people can't help to talk about these similarities:

*They were both ABS-CBN homegrown talents.
*They were among the few in showbiz to be known for their "baby face".
*They were both La Sallitas.
*They were young when they died.
*They both died in a Holy Week.
*They were both asleep when they died.
*Their wakes were both held at La Salle Greenhills.
*As Rico, AJ will also be laid to rest at Manila Memorial Park.

Rico Yan died of Acute Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis on March 29, 2002 in Palawan. He was 27.

Meanwhile, AJ Perez passed away at age 18 yesterday, April 17, 2011 in a vehicular accident.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

AJ Perez is Dead. May You Rest in Peace.

Our Prayer for AJ Perez...

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May his soul together with all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace through the mercy of God. Amen.

Almighty Father, source of forgiveness and salvation, grant that his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, who have passed from this life may, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, come to share your Eternal happiness through Christ, our Lord. Amen

AJ Perez, 18, is dead.
AJ Perez, or Antonello Joseph Sarte Perez in real life, was pronounced dead at 12:20 a.m. The cause of his death, according to reports, is "multiple head injuries," which he sustained after his car got hit by a bus and a truck in Paniqui, Tarlac.

He just finished a show in Dagupan, Pangasinan, which celebrated its annual Bangus Festival. His last tweet—which was posted four hours ago, or around 11:00 p.m.—read, "On the way home already from Dagupan.Long drive ahead.. Thanks to everybody who watched..." stated that the Star Magic talent was with his dad, a security personnel, and a driver, at the time the accident took place.

Reliable Source: Yahoo News

Actor AJ Perez killed in Tarlac highway accident
MANILA, Philippines – Eighteen-year-old actor and model AJ Perez was killed in a highway accident in Tarlac early Sunday morning, according to a report by radio dzMM.

Police said Perez was with his father and 4 others aboard an ABS-CBN van that collided with a Partas provincial passenger bus along McArthur Highway in Barangay San Julian, Tarlac.

Police Officer 2 Michael Millante of the Moncada Police told dzMM that Perez was declared dead on arrival by a hospital in Paniqui shortly after the accident took place at 12:10 a.m.

Perez’s 5 other companions were reportedly also injured during the crash and were taken to the hospital for treatment. They are Gerardo Perez (father), driver Christopher Bautista, Christina Ferrer, Edwin Patelos and Dannilyn Nunga.

The group had just come from a show in Dagupan and were reportedly on their way back to Manila.

Millante said the van carrying the victims tried to overtake a trailer truck when it collided with the incoming Partas bus.

"Nung makarating sa may Barangay San Julian, allegedly itong van ng ABS-CBN, um-overtake ng isang trailer. 'Yung pagka-overtake n'ya po, in the process, nag-alangan po siya. Tinamaan po niya itong Partas na nagresulta sa pagkapinsala nung laman ng van," he said.

Earlier, showbiz reporter and columnist Ogie Diaz reported the incident through his Twitter account.

"Galing ng Dagupan, pauwi na. Tulog lahat sa van. Sa Tarlac, biglang bumangga sa trak. Bago pa nadala si AJ Perez sa ospital, wala nang buhay," Diaz posted on twitter.

Diaz said he has talked to the father of the Star Magic actor.

"Nasa isang clinic sa Paniqui, Tarlac ang mga labi ni AJ Perez. Kausap ko si Daddy kanina, iyak nang iyak. Ndi ako makakatulog nito," added Diaz.

Shortly before the accident, Perez was still able to post a twitter message thanking his fans who attended his show in Dagupan.

"On the way home already from Dagupan.Long drive ahead.. Thanks to everybody who watched, thanks to zui for the gifts.And hi again to jarred!" said Perez.

Messages of sympathy

ABS-CBN, meanwhile, issued a statement regarding the actor's death.

"ABS-CBN sympathizes with AJ's Family on his untimely demise and urges everyone to pray for the eternal repose of AJ's soul and for the family and love ones he left behind," the network said in a statement read by Corporate Communications manager Kathy Solis over dzMM.

Fans and co-workers took to the social media networks to express their shock about the news of Perez's sudden death. They also expressed messages of sympathy to the actor's family.

"Aj. You were like a brother to me. You'll always be in my heart. May you rest in peace.'," wrote young actress Lauren Young who was paired with Perez in the now-defunct youth-oriented television show "Abt Ur Luv."

"I'm going to miss you so much. My loveteam, my friend, my brother. All I know is you're in a better place now and I won't question that," she added.

"We are so saddened with the passing of AJ Perez (@ajperez17). Rest in peace brother. :( #fb," tweeted actor Enchong Dee.

":( condolences and prayers of comfort and strength to the family and love ones of aj perez... Such sad news.." beauty queen Lara Quigaman said in her Twitter account.

"I'm still in shock. My condolences to the family of AJ Perez. napakabait na bata," shared actress Angel Locsin.

Entertainment career

Perez, or Antonello Joseph Sarte Perez in real life, appeared in various commercials of companies and brands, Colgate, Pepsi, Sun Cellular, Ayala Land, and Globe Telecom. He popularized the phrase "ye-bah!" in the UFC Banana Ketchup ad.

ABS-CBN first spotted him in Milo commercial, where the 5'8"-tall La Salle Greenhils student showed off his basketball skills. He then underwent workshops and eventually became a member of ABS-CBN's circle of homegrown talents collectively known as Star Magic.

He was part of the cast of various movies, including "Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo" and its sequel, "Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo", BFF: Best Friends Forever, Ang Tanging Pamilya: A Marry Go Round," among others.

On TV, he was part of the teen-oriented program "Abt Ur Luv", and various television series, including "Lobo" and "Agua Bendita".

He played the main cast role in the recently concluded primetime drama, "Sabel".

On Sundays, he joined other ABS-CBN artists on the popular A.S.A.P. variety show where he is part of the boy group "Giggerboys."

Perez was born on February 17, 1993 to a Bicolana mother and Ilonggo father.

More Personal Details About AJ Perez
Antonello Joseph "AJ" Sarte Perez (February 17, 1993 – April 17, 2011) was a Filipino actor. He was a member of ABS-CBN's circle of homegrown talents collectively known as Star Magic in Batch 13. He portrayed one of the lead characters in the 2009 miniseries Your Song Presents: Underage.

Perez was born on Wednesday, February 17, 1993 to a Bicolana mother and Ilonggo father. He has attended high school at La Salle Greenhills in Mandaluyong City.

He landed his first commercial with Globe and was later cast in the UFC commercial, popularizing the phrase "ye-bah!". His Milo TV commercial showcased his basketball skills.

He attended self-enhancement workshops with Talent Center and became a member of Star Magic Batch 13. His appearances included ASAP, Abt Ur Luv and as a guest in some ABS-CBN shows.

He teamed-up with Lauren Young in the television series Lobo in the roles of Zoey and Yani Mendoza. He starred in a film for Star Cinema with Joseph Estrada, Ms. AiAi delas alas, Sam Milby and Toni Gonzaga directed by Wen Deramas: Ang Tanging Pamilya.

Reliable Source: WikiPedia
Photo Credit: BLOGSPOT and ABS-CBN News

Laugh Out Loud - Some "Baduy" Jokes to Laugh at With Your Loved Ones

Laughter is the best medicine.
So let's laugh out loud, take a break and have some good laughs.

With much Love and Laughs,

Mommy Mai

Blogger's Note: Some may be "baduy" or corny;
Some may be so "green" too...
but some also made us laugh and smile.
Oh well, these are very simple things to enjoy... :)


"Bakit ba pati ako, binibigyan nyo ng malisya? Ano ba ang kasalanan ko?!"

- Talong

"Hindi ko hinahangad na ipagmalaki mo na ako'y sa iyo. Ayoko lang naman na sa harap ng maraming tao, ganun mo na lang ako itanggi!"

- Utot

"Hindi lahat ng malakas, super hero!"

- Putok

"Paano tayo makakabuo kung hindi ako papatong sa iyo?"

- Lego

"Kahit papaano, gusto ko din ng exposure!"

- Singit

"Hindi lahat ng hinog ay matamis!"

- Pigsa

"Hindi lahat ng kulot, salot!"

- Goldilocks

"Hindi lahat ng bubuyog, kulay itim!"

- Jollibee

"Halika, bigyan mo pa ako ng init. Kailangan kong pumutok para ako'y iyong matikman at ika'y masarapan. Ayan na! Puputok na! Humanda ka!"

- Popcorn

"Kapag ang katawan mo'y nag-iinit, lagi na lang ako ang hinahanap mo. Maya't maya mo akong ginagamit at pinapagod. Hindi ka na naawa!"

- Aircon

"Pagod na akong humawak ng balls mo! Pagod narin ako sa pagbihis-hubad mo sa akin. Malapit na naman ulit! Ayoko na!!!"

- Christmas Tree

"I ikspik that it will be a long payt, a good payt, But you know, I didn't ikspik. Tinks por da God, you know, and tinks por ol da pelepeno pipo!"

- Manny Pacquiao

"You never even thank me for making you happy, then you throw me away just like that. I hate you for using me, for making my life full of shit!"

- Tissue

"Alam kong sa tingin mo, masaya ako! Pero bakit kayo ganyan?! Sa tuwing wala na kayong masabi, ako na lang ang ginagamit nyo! Pagod na pagod ako sa pagngiti!"

- Smiley

"You can cry all you want, you could always blame me. You said, it wasn't fair that you just want life to be better. But remember, it's all your fault! You stabbed me with a knife!"

- Sibuyas

"Isubo mo ang kahabaan ko. Dilaan. Sipsipin. Paglaruan sa bibig mo. Para lumabas ang katas ko na kinasabikan mo. Nagmamahal,"

- Ice Candy

"Bakit ayaw nyo pa rin sa akin kahit sosyal at maganda ako? Dahil ba mas sweet ang iba?"

- Fruitcake

"Pinapaikot mo lang ako! Nagsasawa na ako. Mabuti pang patayin mo na lang ako".

- Electric fan

"Hindi lahat na walang salawal ay bastos!"

- Winnie d' Pooh

"Alam mo ba wala akong ibang hinangad kundi ang mapalapit sa iyo. Pero patuloy ang pag-iwas mo".

- Ipis

"Hala! sige magpakasasa ka! Alam ko namang katawan ko lang ang habol mo."

- Hipon

"Ayoko na! Pag nagmamahal ako, lagi na lang maraming tao ang nagagalit! Wala ba akong karapatang magmahal?!"

- Gasolina

"Sawang-sawa na ako, palagi na lang akong pinagpapasa- pasahan, pagod na pagod na ako."

- Bola

"Ginawa ko naman lahat para sumaya ka, mahirap ka ba talagang makontento sa isa? Bakit palipat-lipat ka?

- TV

"Hindi lahat ng maasim may vitamin C"

- Kili-kili

"Pilitin mo man na alisin ako sa buhay mo, babalik at babalik ako!

- Libag

"Anung kasalanan ko sa iyo, iniwan mo na ang akong duguan..."

- Sanitary Napkin

"Wag mo na akong bilugin."

- Kulangot

"Bwisit na buhay ito! Araw-araw na lang, itlog! Umaga, tanghali, gabi, itlog! Itlog! Itlog! Lagi na lang itlog!"

- Brief

"Sige, kalimutan mo ako para malaman ng iba ang baho mo!

- Deodorant

"Ako lang ang makakapagpadugo ng ilong ni Manny Pacquiao!"

- English

"Hindi totoong anak ko si Bakekang! At lalong hindi ko kapatid si Mike Enriquez! Kaya pwede ba, tigilan na ang tsismis na yan!"

- Shrek

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Support UNICEF Philippines' Champions for Children

Just want to share this post to all my readers out there...

Support UNICEF Philippines' Champions for Children

Champions for Children
is a community of individuals whose regular contributions enable a growing number of Filipino children to enjoy the right to education, healthcare and nutrition as well as protection from neglect, abuse and exploitation.

But does UNICEF—an international organization with government and corporate partners—really need the support of individual champions? Yes! When pooled together, the modest yet regular monthly donations made by individual donors like you add up to provide us with a steady and reliable source of funds.

This kind of committed funding is necessary for us to sustain ongoing projects and map out long-term strategies in the fight for children's rights. It also allows us to quickly respond when and where the need is greatest, such as providing emergency relief during calamities, times of conflict and other critical situations.

How can your monthly donation help?

To be a Champion for Children is to be a champion for change.

All funds raised will be used to help children in the Philippines. Here’s how:

  • Many children die before their 5th birthday, but your Php600 / month can help 6 children survive by providing life-saving medical treatments.
  • Most children don’t get to finish the 6th grade, but your Php 500 / month can help 5 children stay in school with books and basic supplies.

Php 20.00 per day = Php 600 per month
Php 16.67 per day = Php 500 per month

With your pledge…
YOU are helping change the future of Filipino children
YOU are a UNICEF partner in championing the rights of children

How can I sign up to be a Champion?

Interested donors can sign up to become a Champion for Children at UNICEF booths in selected malls across Manila. The most convenient way is to have this charged to your credit card as this is the most efficient way to process your donation and ensures that the most funds reach the children that need them.

But if you don’t have a credit card, you can call our donation hotline (632) 758-1000 / 758-1442 (Mon to Fri, 8 am to 5 pm) and discuss other ways to donate. Your donation will go directly to help children through UNICEF programs in education, health, nutrition and child protection in the Philippines.

Upon signing up, champions will receive a welcome SMS or call to confirm their participation. Once confirmed, they will receive a welcome letter from Gary Valenciano, UNICEF National Ambassador, and a donor guide booklet.

Members of this caring community will gain a better understanding of how their contribution has made a difference on children’s lives through regular updates from the children, the UNICEF country representative and program officers in the field and full reports on various UNICEF projects. They will also receive certificates of appreciation, specially designed tokens and their very own Champions for Children ID.


To know more about UNICEF's Champions for Children Program:

Partner malls where you can sign up to be a Champion

Q&A with Gary Valenciano, UNICEF National Ambassador

"Why I'm A Champion for Children"

Yes, hubby and I would be CHAMPIONS for CHILDREN.
Let's do our share and spread the good news!
Indeed, the best time to make living very much worthy and overwhelming.
Making a child smile is a very rewarding and fulfilling experience. =)

Daddy Ren and Mommy Mai (Eieo)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lara Quigaman's Gown in Binibining Pilipinas 2011

Such a Very Controversial Issue in the Showbiz Today

Read more and be in! Know her tweets and let me know your insights... regarding her feelings on her being a Beauty Queen.

Source and Photo Credit: Abante Tonite

Lara, Nagpasilip ng Underwear?!

Nag-host din nu’ng gabing ‘yon si Miss International 2005 Precious Lara Quigaman na in fairness ay nagustuhan namin ang dalawang gowns na sinuot.

Eksenadora ang pulang Michael Cinco gown ni Lara dahil nang hawiin niya ito ay lumabas ang kanyang sparkly underwear.

Katerno ng nasabing gown ang pang-ilalim na ‘yon at sadya ‘yung ipinakita ni Lara, kaya lang ay medyo na­ging iba ang dating no’n sa iba.

May nagsabing tila ‘unbecoming’ of a beauty queen ang ginawang ‘yon ni Lara.

Okey lang daw na gawin ni Lara ang gimik na ‘yon kung awards night at dinaluhan niya at hindi pormal na beauty pageant.

Kung may mga hindi nagkagusto ay meron ding mga nataypan ang drama ni Lara that night dahil naging playful lang siya at nakeri niya ito na hindi bastos ang kanyang dating.

Naaliw kami sa paandar na ‘yon ni Lara at bet din namin ang kanyang green Francis Libiran gown na kitang-kita ang kurbada ng kanyang katawan.

Medyo nag-buckle-buckle din ang nobya ni Marco Alcaraz sa paghu-host pero pasable na siya para sa amin.

Very proud si Marco sa kanyang beauty queen girlfriend at nandu’n ang hunky actor sa Araneta para sumuporta.

Tweet ni Lara after ng pageant, “Yes, nabuyoy (nabulol) po ako but that doesn’t make me stupid or you any better than me.”

Sabi niya pa sa Twitter, “Finally, sarap humiga, magtanggal ng false eyelashes, hair extensions, make up, mabigat na earrings, masikip na gowns.

“Ang sarap kumain after two days of just fruits and a few pieces of M&M’s. Mahirap maging beauty queen, so give us a little credit.”

Tweets of Ms. Lara Quigaman - parang HINDI siya. Kinda disappointing. :-)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

McDonald Pulled Out Its Latest "BF-GF" Ad

McDonald's Commercial Ads
Among the TV and print ads of McDonald's, Karen (Gina) and Lolo was our all-time favorite. It has touched many hearts and has moved the lives of its most, if not all, viewers.

I write this blog post because I can hardly keep my mouth shut as I sincerely worry that this Ad might mess up the integrity and legacy McDo has lived by all these years and inculcated among its consumers.

I am now so sure that most of us have viewed the latest commercial ad of McDonald on TV - the controversial "BF-GF commercial" right?

Well, at first, if you would look at the said ad, you'd likely love it - so cute to see the kids do the ad. They seemed to be so bibo, adorable and very charming - so talented. And how a child can look so innocent and sincere whenever he or she says a word, a line or anything. Children appears so sincere and meek without taking any effort. Yes, very effortless.

However, to our dismay, most viewers love the commercial ad - making it their most loved and favorite TV commercial as of the moment. Oopps, not us. Definitely NOT us. We totally dislike (if I may say so) the commercial ad as it doesn't portray such values we want our child to adopt and practice as he grows up.

I was even surprised to hear our unico hijo (2 years old) Eieo asked this question: "Mommy, holding hands sila?" At his very young age, I could see in his eyes and his facial expression that he was a bit amazed or confused... why such an ate and kuya would even hold each other's hands. :-)

I know this happens: Upon much realization and viewing the TV ad for several times, we would come to our senses and think of the values/principles being portrayed in the said commercial. Oh well, I was even so worried to see Facebook fan pages for this controversial McDo ad. Mind you, a lot of people LIKED the FB Fan Page... thousands of FB users from different walks of life and many of them are teens, teenagers, young adults. How does you feel?

Here's the latest news about this most recent McDo Ad:

McDonald's pulls out "BF-GF commercial" after CBCP called for them to stop airing ad.

The controversial "BF-GF commercial"

( McDonald's has pulled out its ad dubbed by some as the "BF-GF commercial," after the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) called for them to stop airing the ad, reports

The giant fast food chain decided to pull out the 30-second ad from major television networks yesterday after some Catholic Church officials said it could send the wrong message to children. In the commercial, a little girl asks a boy if she was already his girlfriend. The boy says no, claiming girlfriends are too demanding. However, he seemingly changes his mind when the girl says all she wants is the P25 French fries at McDonald's.

McDonald's Philippines Vice President for Marketing Margot Torres told Radio Veritas that they have pulled out the ad because they respect the call of Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez. "So by (Wednesday), a different McDonald's ad should be seen on TV," Torres said.

In response, Iñiguez told Radio Veritas, "We are very happy that McDonald's listened to our plea, (and) that it agrees with the sentiment and the reflection of the church on the commercial spot."

Earlier, Fr. Melvin Castro said the commercial is "very shallow" and "cheapens human relationships," reports The executive secretary of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Family and Life said, "If the ad attempted to teach commitment, (it failed) because it was too superficial to point to a packet of French fries as the basis of a relationship."

Iñiguez also said earlier, "The two children are not even at the right age for this kind of relationship... It (the ad) might also pave the way for us to lose sight of the good ways of shaping the values of our children."

For more on this story, log on to

Kudos to McDonald's for pulling out the said ad so as not just to worsen the situation or magnify the issue or to merely grant the plea of CBCP but most of all, to continue its legacy and live by its integrity. Well, this goes to show that McDo is indeed determined of their company's values and principles. Most of all, it has only proven that it has the Big Heart to care for its clientele - today's and tomorrow's generation/s.

Cheers! McDo, what you did shall inspire other business entities to religiously screen and monitor their advertising campaigns and marketing strategies. It's indeed admirable. Thumbs up! :-)

♥♥♥ Mommy Mai Raine ♥♥♥

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Office Work: High Risks on Your Health

Newest Health Hazard:
Working long hours a day at the office has again recently found out to be really dangerous and risky on our health. Upon reading this article from Yahoo News, I suddenly felt worried for me, hubby, families and friends. To emphasize, readers are advised to do the following tips and strategies to fight this work-related health risks.

That is why I really find an urgent need to share it with you. Read on, ponder and practice. I am so sure that just like me, you don't want to be sorry, right?

Many of us spend large chunks of our day sitting, especially when we're at work. If we're not glued to a computer screen or tethered to a phone, then we're stuck in seats around tables in meetings. And that's on top of the hours we spend sitting in cars, buses or trains getting to and from work.

All this sitting seems to increase your risk of death from heart disease and other causes, research has found. And surprisingly, this happens even if you exercise regularly.

Your chair is your enemy.

It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting — in your car, your office chair, on your sofa at home — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and an early death. In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you.

Here's what the Yahoo News article has to say:

The Most Dangerous Thing You'll Do All Day
By Bill Phillips and the Editors of Men's Health
Mar 30, 2011

We stand around a lot here at Men’s Health. In fact, a few of us don’t even have office chairs. Instead, we write, edit, and answer e-mails—a lot of e-mails—while standing in front of our computers. All day long. Why?

It all started last summer, when Assistant Editor Maria Masters came across a shocking study in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (one of dozens of research journals we comb each month as we put together the magazine). Scientists at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana analyzed the lifestyles of more than 17,000 men and women over about 13 years, and found that people who sit for most of the day are 54 percent more likely to die of heart attacks.

That’s right—I said 54 percent!

Masters immediately called the lead researcher at Pennington, a professor named Peter Katzmarzyk. Turns out, this wasn’t the first study to link sitting and heart disease. Similar research actually dates back to 1953, when British researchers found that (sitting) bus drivers were twice as likely to die of heart attacks as (standing) trolley operators.

Here’s the most surprising part: “We see it in people who smoke and people who don’t,” Katzmarzyk told Masters. “We see it in people who are regular exercisers and those who aren’t. Sitting is an independent risk factor.”

In other words, it doesn’t matter how much you exercise or how well you eat. If you sit most of the day, your risk of leaving this world clutching your chest—whether you’re a man or women—as much as doubles.

This raised a rather obvious question: Why? Truth is, the researchers aren’t sure. But Marc Hamilton, Ph.D., one of Katzmarkzyk’s colleagues, suspects it has to do with an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which breaks down fat in the bloodstream and turns it into energy. Hamilton found that standing rats have ten times more of the stuff coursing through their bodies than laying rats. It doesn’t matter how fit the rats are; when they leave their feet, their LPL levels plummet. Hamilton believes the same happens in humans.

Still sitting? Then you should know that your office chair also:

1. Screws up your posture. The fascia, the tissue that connects individual muscles into a full-body network, begins to set when you stay in one position for too long, says Men’s Health

2. Makes you fatter. This happens for two reasons. First, you burn 60 more calories an hour when standing versus sitting. But more importantly, says Hartman, when you spend too much time sitting, your largest muscle group—the glutes (a.k.a. your butt)—become lazy and quit firing. This is called gluteal amnesia. And it means you burn fewer calories.

3. Causes lower back pain. Weak glutes push your pelvis forward, putting stress on the spine, says Hartman. Here’s the other unseemly thing that happens when your pelvis tilts forward: Your belly protrudes, making you look 5 months pregnant.
advisor Bill Hartman, P.T., C.S.C.S., a physical therapist in Indianapolis. If you’re hunched over a keyboard all day, this eventually becomes your normal posture.

So what’s a desk-bound worker to do? First, Hamilton suggests you change how you think about fitness. We have a tendency to segment our lives—work, home, and downtime. Exercise falls into the last category, something we squeeze into our busy schedules when possible. But if you stop thinking about exercise as an activity, and instead think of it as a lifestyle, it’s easier to make healthy choices throughout the day.

In other words: Stop trying to be fit, and start trying to live fit.

Second, of course, is to stand more throughout the day. These strategies will get you up on your feet more often:

Strategy #1: Take two breaks an hour. Grab a drink from the water fountain. Pop over to the cube next door to say hi. Or simply stand and stretch for a minute. A European Heart Journal

Strategy #2: Stand during phone calls. It may seem like a small thing but, as Hamilton told Masters: “Small choices will help move you in the right direction. . . . It all adds up, and it all matters.”

Strategy #3: Don’t write long emails. If crafting an email will take longer than 15 minutes, go talk to the person instead. Or stand up and call them.

And if that’s not enough (and it may not be) . . .

Strategy #4: Ask HR for a standup desk. Australian researchers found that workers who log more than 6 hours of seat time a day are up to 68 percent more likely to be overweight. If you make the changes above and your waistline isn’t shrinking, a standup desk may be the answer. Make sure the screen is at arm’s length, and the top at eye level. Position the keyboard so your elbows are bent 90 degrees. Men’s Health Senior Editor Bill Stieg built his own. Check it out.
study of 5,000 men and women found that the quarter who took the most breaks during the day were 1.6 inches thinner than the quarter who took the least.


Could Sitting Too Long At Work Be Dangerous? Yes, indeed.

My personal tips for you:

1. Do some frequent stretching. Make this a habit. It is proven to relive stress and rejuvenate, getting the "battery-recharge" that you need at work.

2. Get on your feet. Maximize your time in the office, grab chances where you can change position, do some walks and wear some good smile.

3. Believe in the power of your mind. As hubby says, Positive attitude gives positive results. So be positive and have a healthy mind and body at all times.

Fact: A study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that sitting for long stretches, more than six hours a day, can make someone at least 18 percent more likely to die from diabetes, heart disease and obesity than those sitting less than three hours a day.

Technology Led To Sitting Culture
Doctors say the evolution of technology has impacted the way we use our bodies. Humans have moved from the active life of being hunter-gatherers to becoming agriculturalists. The Industrial Revolution moved us to factories and the technological revolution landed us behind desks and into the culture of sitting too much.

"Sitting has become the most common human behavior, literally, it outstrips the amount of time we spend sleeping," Hamilton said.

Hamilton said that sitting has become a new form of smoking. Smoking was once so common that people were reluctant to see the health hazard it posed.

"If we can create a world where offices are doing better and the employees are becoming healthier, we've got a golden solution."

Oyayi - Pieta (Oyayi Sa Paanan Ni Hesus)

Pieta (Oyayi Sa Paanan Ni Hesus)

Music by: Paulo K Tirol
Lyrics by: MJ Francia

Arrangement: Paulo K Tirol
Trin Panganiban-Custodio

Ave Maria, gratia plena
Sancta Maria, mater Dei

Kay lamig na ng hangin, lumalatag ang dilim.
‘Di maabot ng tingin itong lagim.
Narito ang ‘Yong ina, damhin Mong yakap-yakap Ka.
Sa kandungan ko, Sinta, mapanatag Ka, Sinta

Nais ko’y pagmasdan Ka sa ‘Yong pamamahinga.
Minsan pa’y iduyan Ka, awitan Ka.
‘Di ko man nababata, puso ko’y lumuluha.
Sa Iyong pag-iisa, sasamahan Ka.

At hihilumin ang brasong sugatan, papawiin mga luha Mong taglay.
Lilinisin, mukha Mong dinumhan, paagusin ang luha kong alay.
Madama ko man mga tinik, yayakapin Ka nang mahigpit, Giliw.
Ihehele’t iduduyan Ka; mahimbing na, tapos na.

Aking Ama! Ako’y nilisan Mo na ba?
Bigyang liwanag, alipin Mong aba.
Tinalikuran Mo na ba? Dinggin ang panalangin ko, Ama!
Sumasamong pagpalain Mo, nang minsan pa’y masabi ko sa ‘Yo:
“Ako’y alipin Mo; sundin ang loob Mo, Ama ko.”

Hihilumin ang brasong sugatan, papawiin ang luha Mong taglay.
Lilinisin, mukha Mong dinumhan, paagusin ang luha kong alay.
Madama ko man mga tinik, yayakapin Ka nang mahigpit, Giliw.
Ihehele’t iibigin Ka; tapos na, tapos na.

Sa pag-akap kay Hesus sa paanan ng Krus, ipinakita ni Maria ang tunay na pagtugon sa tawag ng pag-ibig.

Watch the videos and listen to this song. Hope you'd be amazingly touched by these audio-video presentations.

Lyrics: Hangad Official Website. Visit them NOW.
Photo credit:
google - see the link.
Youtube Video credit: shamazelizan and mikhailquijano

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shamcey Supsup - Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2011

Shamcey Supsup truly deserves her Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2011 beauty title. Beauty and brains, natural charm, crowd's favorite, in one great package - thumbs up!

Her Info: Miss Philippines-Universe 2011 (Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2011) June 2010 Architect Licensure Exam Topnotcher Finished BS Architecture with Latin honors (Magna Cum Laude) at University of the Philippines-Diliman.

More Basic Info from HER Official Facebook Fan Page:

Shamcey Supsup for Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2011

Location: General Santos City, Philippines
Affiliation: BPCI Charities
Birthday: May 16, 1986

About HER
You've reached Shamcey Supsup's Official Fan Page where supporters unite together to bring out the best in everyone...

Description: The lady in red!
Architect Shamcey Gurrea Supsup is one of the 40 official candidates of Bb. Pilipinas 2011

Shamcey Supsup is not just your typical beauty and brains but also has a superb catwalk and personality!

June 2010 Architect Licensure Exam Topnotcher

Finished BS Architecture with Latin honors (Magna Cum Laude)
at University of the Philippines-Diliman
High School Salutatorian from Makati High School

Personal Information:
Candidate #26 of Bb. Pilipinas 2011
Age: 24 years old
Height: 5'7 1/4"
Weight: 105 lbs
Vital Statistics: 32 1/2 - 23 1/2 - 33 1/2
Birth Place: Iligan City
Hometown: General Santos City
Profession: Architect

Personal Interests: Painting, Drawing, and Reading books.

Likes: General Santos City, University of the Philippines, University of the Philippines, Beach House Canteen - University of the Philippines, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Binibining Pilipinas, Bb. Pilipinas (Official), Shamcey Supsup (Official Fan Page), ASAP XV (OFFICIAL FAN PAGE), Manny Pacquiao, Nonito Donaire Jr., Maria Venus Raj

After many, many weeks of waiting and anticipating, the winners of Bb. Pilipinas 2011 were finally crowned last night in a dazzling pageant production at Araneta Coliseum that saw the country’s premiere beauty competition evolve with an uber-modern concept and over-all production courtesy of ABS-CBN.

Once again, congrats!


More News Updates on the Pageant:
Author: Erwin Santiago
Shamcey Supsup was crowned Bb. Pilipinas-Universe at the coronation of Binibining Pilipinas 2011 held last night, April 10, at the Araneta Coliseum.

Shamcey, who was Binibini No. 26, bested 39 other contestants who competed in this year's pageant.

She graduated Magna Cum Laude from University of the Philippines College of Architecture. She also topped the Architecture board exam in July 2010.

Shamcey will represent the Philippines in the Miss Universe pageant to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on September 12, 2011.

Aside from winning Bb. Pilipinas-Universe, Shamcey also won three special awards: Best in Talent, Miss PAL, and Miss Cream Silk.

Shamcey, 24, was not the only title holder at last night's pageant.

Last year's 1st runner-up, Dianne Necio (No. 33), returned this year and won the Bb. Pilipinas-International title; while Isabella Manjon (No. 25) was adjudged Bb. Pilipinas-Tourism (a replacement to the Bb. Pilipinas-World title, which has its own franchise now).

Janine Tugonon (No. 27) finished as 1st runner-up and Mary Jean Lastimosa (No. 34) was 2nd runner-up.

The other candidates who made it in the Top 15 are: No. 6 Patricia Tumulak; No. 8 Ma. Kristina Marasigan; No. 11 Diana Arevalo; No. 13 Queenierich Rehman; No. 16 Sabrine Al-Tawil; No. 19 Wendy Lucas; No. 23 Luzelle Felipe; No. 30 Kathleen Subijano; No. 32 Jenn Roe Gubat; and No. 37 Sarah Nicole Clenci.

The Best in Swimsuit was Binibini No. 13 Queenierich Rehman; Best in Long Gown was Binibini No. 23 Luzelle Felipe; and Face of Bb. Pilipinas 2011 was Binibini No. 7 Angela Ong.

Binibining Pilipinas 2011 was hosted by Derek Ramsay and KC Concepcion together with past winners Miriam Quiambao (1999 Miss Universe 1st runner-up and Bb. Pilipinas-Universe) and Precious Lara Quigaman (2005 Miss International and Bb. Pilipinas-International).

Sam Milby and Matteo Guidicelli serenaded last year's winners: Maria Venus Raj (Miss Universe 4th runner-up and Bb. Pilipinas-Universe), Krista Kleiner (Bb. Pilipinas-International), and Czarina Gatbonton (Bb. Pilipinas-World).

Karylle, Sitti, Camille Velasco, and Marie Digby also performed.

Thanks to you and all.

Photo Credit: From Her FB fan page.