My Heart Sings

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

LET Reviewer Links - Licensure Examination for Teachers

To the BSE graduates (AY 2010-11) of MQAPC - our future educators...

Click HERE. Visit the PAGE and have a good read.


GOD bless you all and your endeavors. =)

Here are some tips for you. Happy reading!

I have listed below ten things you should do if you plan to review on your own to get a license for teaching.

1. Know your weak and strong subjects. Allot some time on reviewing the lessons of your strong subjects. And enjoy the review so you could easily remember what you are reading. But alot more time on your weak subjects. Well, at least if you are weak in math for example, make sure you didn’t miss reviewing the concepts of what is covered in the test for General Math.

2. Understand theories and concepts. Review the different methods of teaching. Imagine how these ideas would be applied in a real teaching environment. If you are already teaching then that is great, since you can easily imagine how the theories and concepts are applied in the real world.

3. In my opinion, the exam is more of your analytical skills, so strive hard to improve it. Once you have understood theories and concept, make sure you know how to differentiate them and explain them in your own words. At least by doing these, you can easily recall them when you are taking the exam.

4. Don’t take for granted subjects under General Education. Remember that you have to pass all three sets of tests including General Education. Don’t assume this test is easy since you took this up when you were in Elementary or High School. Remember that a lot of years had passed. So brush up your memory especially the basic mathematical equations and basic science concepts.

5. Prepare everything before the exam. Make sure you have read the test guidelines many times. Check your calculator. To be sure, check the allowed calculators in the PRC’s list. If you don’t want to buy a new one though, make sure you have a non-programmable calculator. But don’t take my word on this because I wasn’t sure if other proctors had allowed calculators not in the list, although my friend said she didn’t even check the list and just grab a basic calculator with her. Proctors check each calculator before the exam starts.

6. Take enough sleep before the exam. Make sure you don’t feel drowsy while taking the exam so you have enough time to answer them all. I think that’s the reason one of my friends fail.

7. Eat well and use the restroom before the exam. You are not allowed to go out while taking the exam.

8. Avoid erasures. In my alma mater, where I had my college years, we took some of our exams in Scantron. So, I was used to answering tests by shading the boxes or circles. I knew how erasures could make a bad score. So before you shade it, make sure you are shading the right answer, or at least it is your final answer. If you need to erase it, make sure it is clean. But I still don’t think it is a good idea.

9. Follow instructions. Listen to what the proctor is telling you during the exam. If it is not clear, ask the proctor.

10. Most of the time, you haven’t reviewed whatever appears on the real exam. What will help you answer the exam are your basic understanding of the Education topics and your analytic skills. Don’t overdo it though because you might miss the right answer. Other test takers define it as common sense.

Hope this helps. =)


  1. thank you for reminding the LET takers.

  2. Muchas gracias. Realmente ayuda. Tengo que preparar. Buen día para usted.
