My Heart Sings

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tuesdays With Morrie: An Inspiring Movie and Novel - Like!

Professor Morrie Schwartz and Author Mitch Albom
 I had this in my Stylistics class (intended for media discourse) with my dear BSE Seniors of MQAPC. I was so happy to see, feel and know that they have all appreciated my efforts of bringing them quality, inspiring, life-learning, and heart-breaking films. 

I wasn't expecting that I could take them to where they were while seeing the movie, Magnifico. I was so surprised to see them coming up with such great realizations in life. I was so glad to see them inspired; they were so touched by the lines, scenes and all. It was a perfect moment for everyone.

I am so overwhelmed that I have been an inspiration and a blessing. Having all these makes me feel so blessed and fulfilled. Oh well, I firmly believe that I am serving my purpose as their mentor. I know I am loved. And that makes me so proud! I am a Teacher! Xoxo, Mommy Mai
Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson
Written by: Mitch Albom

Morrie Schwartz's reflections - taken from the author's own perspectives. 
*Accept the uncertainties, contradictions and tension of opposites in your life.
*Entertain the thought and feeling that the distance between life  and death may not be as great as you think.
*Talk openly about your illness with whoever wants to talk with you about it.
*Resist the temptation to think of yourself as useless. It will only lead to depression. Find your own ways of being and feeling useful.
*After you have wept and grieved for your physical losses, cherish the functions and the life you have left.
*Watch for and resist the creeping  urge to withdraw from the world.
*Let sadness, grief, despair, depression, bitterness, rage, resentment -- all the negative emotions that arise in you -- penetrate you. Stay with them as long as you  can or until they run their natural course. But do not brood about them. Become reinvolved in life as soon as you can.
*Be grateful that you have been given the time to learn how to die.
*Accept and  indulge your passivity and dependency when necessary. But be independent and assertive when you can and need to be.
*If you can't have large victories or achievements, be grateful and celebrate small  ones.
*Find what is divine, holy, or sacred for you. Attend to it, or worship it, in your own way.
*This is the time to do a life review, to make amends, to identify and let go of regrets, to come to  terms with unresolved relationships, to tie up loose ends.
*Learn how to live, and you'll know how to die; learn how to die, and you'll know how to live.

Major Themes
Relationships are a big theme in the book. The relationship (past and present) between Morrie and Mitch, between Morrie and his caregivers, between Morrie and his family, and between Mitch and his brother all play a big part in the story.

Throughout his illness, Morrie displays a very positive mental attitude. He does not feel sorry for himself because his body is slowly deteriorating. He looks at the positives in his life and the things he is still able to do. His positive attitude inspires Mitch and others in the story.

As he reflects back on his life, Morrie realizes he purpose was to educate and he does it until the day he dies. This pushes Mitch to realize he is fulfilling his purpose in life (journalism) and the purpose of re-connecting with his brother.

Morrie learns that he needs to depend on others as his body fails him. Mitch grows to depend on Morrie as well for life lessons.

Mitch states that he has regrets in his life, such as not reaching out to Morrie sooner or losing touch with his brother. Morrie almost seems to believe that there are no regrets, and that everything happens for a reason.

Once they make the pact, Mitch doesn't miss a Tuesday with Morrie. He meets with him week after week, religiously. This teaches Mitch the importance of holding true to your word. Morrie depended on Mitch to make this visit every week, and in the end, Mitch depended on Morrie to be there to teach him.

Throughout the book, we see the love between Morrie and Mitch, the compassion between Morrie and his wife, the compassion between Morrie and his team of nurses, and the compassion as Mitch worries about his brother. There is even compassion between Morrie and Ted Koppel as the two become friends.

Morrie was a mentor to Mitch in college and again later in life. The reader realizes the importance of having someone to look up to and guide them through life. Morrie was able to teach Mitch lessons up until his death.

Morrie teaches Mitch and the reader that there is nothing to fear with aging, and that it is all a part of life. He says everything comes in steps and you just have to face each step as a new challenge or opportunity.

In conclusion, “Tuesdays with Morrie” is a wonderful story about the meaning of life. Like what Oprah Winfrey said, “Tuesdays with Morrie resonates with everybody. I think we all relate to Mitch. His life is just going by too quickly. And then he was blessed to stop and find his old teacher Morrie. And even though Morrie was dying, he taught us about living. All of life is about teaching and learning. When you learn, teach. When you get, give. Life is filled with Morries. We all just need to look around.” We need to agree that our lives are all about teaching and learning. Our lives can be our school or class. Our experiences and other people around us can be our teachers. We ourselves are the students and the subject matter of our lessons is the meaning of our lives.


Visit Mitch Albom's Page - HERE.

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