My Heart Sings

Friday, August 7, 2015

Hormonal Cystic Acne: How to Deal, Treat, and Prevent These Zits

Girls, do you have PCOS? Well, I do. I've known about my condition since January 2007, a month after getting married, when hubby and I decided to see an Ob-Gyn, getting myself ready to get preggy... and so, series of medical treatment and therapy (including natural and spiritual healing) commenced. 

The cost we have had then was indescribable. But thank God, we're blessed with an unico hijo, who'll be turning 7 this August 14, 2015. Such a blessing from God that we will be forever grateful for. 

#ParenthoodIsPriceless  #OurOwnMillionDollarBaby #BlessedMomAndDad

Aside from not ovulating, not having my regular period (as per my Ob-Gyn, a high-risk pregnancy and fertility specialist, I have irregularly irregular mens), having a hard time to conceive, abnormal hair growth, hormonal imbalances, and of course, weight gain and oh my gee, acne!

Here are some basic ways to deal with your cystic acne naturally:

1. Go from within. Internal cleansing and detoxification can aid you with all these. Learn lots of things here.

2. Have a balanced diet. Eat right, eat healthy. Remember that you are what you eat. Never skip a meal, eat in small but frequent servings of hale and hearty produce - veggies and fruits, of course. Healthy and smart snacking can do the job for you. Drink lots of water, too. 

3. Take proper supplements and grab the 'right' products for you and your skin. Essential vitamins and minerals when take appropriately work really best in our system. Going natural and buying organic products both seem better than taking a hold of some commercial face and skincare products that may do more harm than good to your sensitive skin more. 

4. Change your lifestyle. Exercise, get some enough sleep, and set some recreation, fitness, and relaxation goals.

5. Manage stress. Get rid of things or even people that stress you. Better yet, learn how to deal with it, handling it properly without being so affected and totally, madly insane. 

6. Keep your skin always clean, hydrated, moisturized, and healthy to main that radiant glow.

These may be a great challenge to many but taking one step at a time can surely be of great help, folks!

Learn more good inputs HERE - very informative and interesting.

Or you may also catch this short video to know how she fought her acne naturally...

 Good luck, fellas. 

 Love lots, 

 Mommy Mai

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