My Heart Sings

Monday, February 23, 2009

Searching for the Most Reliable Web Hosting Package…

Lately, I have been looking for some web hosting services that can assure me with such affordability, reliability and full tech support? While browsing the net, I have learned that there are many available web hosting services that offer their customers and potential clients a variety of packages, which will surely meet their demands, needs and expectations.

However, not all live up to their claims; not all are objective and reliable. So, we have to be watchful and vigilant in making decisions and closing deals. Whether our site is intended for personal or business purposes, we have to come up with such good Web Hosting Choice that will never turn us down.

Gladly, during my search, I have landed into where I finally got the chance to check it out for myself and see the best and the most cost-effective web hosting plans nowadays.

From there, I have decided to share my newly-picked inputs on web hosting services online so as to make all those yuppies and moms like me, who are interested in putting up their own web sites, updated and informed.

Dear friends, it is about time to rule the world wide web… now!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Once Dreamed to Become a Music Teacher…

But Music Seemed not to Like Me…

I know how to sing…
But I do not sing well.
I am a choir member…
But I seldom sing in solo.
I am an English teacher…
But I can never be a music teacher.

I wanted to be into music…
But music never liked me.
I wished to play an instrument…
But I simply didn’t have the guts to try.

Though music and I can never be ONE…

I would still listen to it…
I would endlessly appreciate its beauty…
I would constantly have it as my inspiration…
I would always love it so dearly…

Then, now and forever…
It would still be music and me.

What music can do to me… to us?

Music helps me deal with my emotions – be it expressed or suppressed, relieve my stresses and other anxieties brought to me by work, personal and social issues, financial insecurities, and many more.

Music plays a vital role to our family: it lends endless avenues for the flow of suppressed feelings of disappointments, helplessness or frustrations in one's life – assuring that certain joy, contentment and confidence, which are the basic needs for a happy living.

For me, music is like my cup of coffee – soothing, relaxing, refreshing and detoxifying; music is an entertainment; it cuts both my life’s monotony and boredom.

Music is my life and my inspiration… my one source of happiness, strength and motivation.

I simply admire people who are passionate about music, who live with music. If you can say that music is your life, well, that is pretty awesome!

Now, my dear virtual friends, what is music to you?


Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am a writer…

I write to live.
I write to survive.

I write to earn.
I write to learn.

I write to play.
I write to outlay.

I write to relax.
I write to laugh.

I write to aspire.
I write to inspire.

I write to persuade.
I write to initiate.

I write to express.
I write to influence.

I write to touch a life.
I write to change some stuff.

I am a journalist…
because I am a writer by heart.

I am a confident writer.

It’s simply my profession, my passion.


Friday, February 6, 2009

You are a Woman and so am I…

To aspire and to inspire
To inform and to empower
To break new grounds and
To reach new heights…

To simplify and to beautify
To seek and to find
To create and to innovate
To design and to delight…

To invent and to initiate
To know and to do
To have and to hold
To see and to believe…

Woman, it’s about time to make a difference.
