My Heart Sings

Monday, June 29, 2009

For Rainier's Eyes Only...

My words for my sweetest HUBBY…

Te deseo.
Hazme el amor.

No puedo vivir sin ti. Nunca me he sentido así.
No puedo esperar a volver a hacerte el amor otra vez. Echo de menos todas esas noches. Hágamos el amor.

Eres el amor de mi vida.
Estoy enamorado de ti.
Me haces feliz.
Cada día te quiero más.
Te amo mucho, Mi amor!
Te quiero, dad!

Mommy Myraine

Monday, June 22, 2009

So Many Things That We Have to be Thankful for

We have survived a test of faith (the fire incident); we are able to move on and continue to live life positively and to the fullest. This happens ALL because of HIM and HIS people.

Despite of what had happened, we are able to appreciate life, the people around us and all the blessings we have more than we used to. Despite that traumatic incident, we are able to overcome life’s struggles and challenges because of the love, inspiration, hope and strength we have inside.

These are the people and a lot of things that we are thankful for:

Our Heavenly Father, Almighty God.
Our Little Prince, Baby Eieo – Leo Antonio.
Our families and relatives – OUR loved ones.
Our closest, same circles of friends.
Our individual friends, colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances.
Our brothers and sisters in Faith.
Our spiritual advisers and counselors.
Rev. Msgr. Eppie Castro (St. Francis of Assisi Parish).
Knights of Columbus Council 3941
Various concerned individuals and organizations in our Parish and community.
The firemen, volunteers and some politicians.
My dear Students in the University.
Our concerned clients and virtual friends.

The Bible and the Rosary.
Our Little Prayers.
Inspiring and Motivating Music.
Games and Sports.
Cellular phones.
Computer Unit and Laptop.
Internet Connection.

Foods and drinks, clothes and shelter.
Beautiful churches and recreational places.
Wonderful Planet Earth – the nature and the environment.

Love, Respect, Trust, Unity, and Knowledge.
Hope, Wisdom, Trust, Integrity, and Discernment.
A Challenging yet Fulfilling and Rewarding LIFE to enjoy.

Indeed, we sincerely and humbly thank each and every blessing we have. Thank You!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Say a Little Prayer

This short prayer shall be posted elsewhere on our new House, our Home Sweet Home. I will make sure it will be seen and be sincerely said at all times. Though we have so much Faith in Him and we believed that it was just a test of faith, I know that I cannot bear another fire incident in our family. May all OUR homes, including yours be protected from any traumatic incidents – God permits!

Prayer for Protection against Fire

Almighty and Eternal God, we ask Your protection against destroying fire. Fire is very necessary for our existence, and yet, when it gets out of control, it can be more damaging than anything else.

Keep our homes and buildings and woods and fields safe from this scourge. Help us always to be most careful in our use of it. Help us whenever we need and use it. For then, if our homes are destroyed by fire, we suffer more than ever.

Give us, too, we humbly pray to You, a saving fear of the fires of passion, and the help of Your grace to control them. Help us also to fear the fires of hell, that we may always keep away from serious sin, and live lives of goodness and virtue, through Christ our Lord.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

How I Find Serenity

Whenever I am confused, worried and bothered, it has been my habit to say my short and little prayer to find peace of mind and serenity of the heart.
For a thousand or a million times, this has never failed me.
HE never fails me.

The Serenity Prayer

O God and Heavenly Father,
grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference…
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

After a few clicks from the web, I was able to find the complete, unabridged and original version of the SERENITY PRAYER that I always say during the lowest and darkest times of my life.

With all acknowledgment to Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971), here it is.

God, give us Grace to accept with Serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


Whenever we feel that we need healing, spiritual blessings and graces, we are always encouraged to say this prayer – very short, simple yet amazing!
You’re always in my prayers… GOD Bless Us All.


Monday, June 8, 2009

December 16, 2006... Exchanging of Vows for a Lifetime Commitment

Recipe for a Happy Marriage

1 cupful of consideration
1 cupful of courtesy
2 cupfuls of flattery carefully concealed
2 cupfuls of milk of human kindness
1 gallon of faith in GOD and to each other
2 cupfuls of praise and appreciation
1 small pinch of in-laws
1 reasonable budget
A generous dash of cooperation
3 teaspoons of pure extract of “I am sorry and Thank you.”
1 cupful of contentment
1 cupful each of confidence and encouragement
2 children at least
1 large or several small hobbies
1 cupful of blindness t each other’s faults
Unlimited scoops of unconditional
Love, trust, joy and respect.

Indeed, these ingredients make a yummy, mouth-watering and palatable marriage dish. Together, let us all make our relationships with our better halves deliciously perfect, truly one of a kind. Indulge in each bite and savor each remarkably amazing experience - our lifetime commitment.
God bless!

Blogger's Note: The photos you see are the very few wedding memories which were left after the fire; the rest were just kept in our hearts as well as in the minds of those who attended, our dear 284 guests (loved ones, relatives, friends, special people and many more).
Thanks to social media networking sites like multiply and friendster. Though we were not able to upload all our wedding pics and my child's cute little memories, we are still thankful that there are some uploaded pics to remind us of every moment we have had. Cheers!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Childhood Moments with MAMA

December 1991, five days before Christmas.
Three tickets to the Movie: Beauty and the Beast.
IS cinema 2, Meycauayan, Bulacan, Philippines.
Popcorn, siopao, soda, chips and crackers.
Mama sits next to me and my dear sister, Pia.

My sis and I were both excited and overwhelmed as we waited the movie to start. This was our first family movie together (my little sister then was only six years old while I just turned eight a week ago). It was really a great bonding time that we could hardly forget.

I just couldn’t imagine how happy we were especially mama as she hugged and kissed her two little girls before, during and after the movie. When we were watching Beauty and the Beast, we kept on asking mama some dialogues as we could barely understand them (we speak Tagalog, by the way.)

What was clear to me: That time we only relied on visuals and common sense… of course! Specific lines and conversations were repeated by mama so as to
let us comprehend and appreciate each scene. The three of us went back home – happy, fulfilled and rejuvenated.

I really miss hanging out with Mama. Pia and I always get excited whenever Mama comes back home from abroad. She is in Macau right now, working and enjoying her days as a junior cook in one of the fine-dining restaurants at Venetian Hotel.

Mama, I just want you to know that we truly miss you. We are so proud of you, Mama. You are our inspiration… our strength and the wind beneath our wings! We love you, Mama Lorrie! We certainly wish that it'll be August 2009 now as you'll be coming home for my son's 1st b-day. See you, Mom.

By the way, early this morning, my little Eieo and I watched the animated film together online and were able to feel the same happiness and joy mom, Pia and I had before… exactly the same, I know. My son laughs out loud and gets more excited whenever he sees the characters move colorfully and sing brilliantly.

These moments are indeed priceless, aren’t they?

Anyway, I want you to take a peek... Hope you'll take pleasure in this heart-warming music video as much as we do... Feel the love, joy and excitement. Enjoy! I'm sure it's gonna be soooo Kilig!
