My Heart Sings

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Working From Home with My Hubby

As my hubby and I have decided to spend more quality time with our little Baby Eieo, we continuously pursue home-based jobs and simply earn more from home. We never thought that this could be very rewarding, amazing and a lot fun. Earning from home just gives us enough time to be together without sacrificing anything particularly our regular income.

We just need to earn more and save more now that we already have a child to raise and nurture. As we are able to meet our goals, experience both financial freedom and stability, appreciate the convenience, achieve professional growth, and a lot more.

I never intend to say that this is better than the traditional way of working and earning for a living. What I just want to express is that we have personally proven that working and earning from home can be as good and as rewarding as office-based jobs.

Being a Tertiary English instructor, I am glad and proud to say that I have maintained my being on the top over the years. As I have consistently received such outstanding remark from the overall performance evaluation, I simply cannot leave teaching. It has been both my profession and passion for five years and I must admit that my heart is really into it. Indeed, I cannot say no to something that has been one of the greatest sources of my personal strength and inspiration.

Still, I teach every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Doing this truly cuts and breaks the monotony of staying at home 24/7. With all these blessings, I am indeed happy and fulfilled.


Friday, December 5, 2008

The Ideal Wife

It is never easy to be a wife. It is never an easy task as others may think it is. And I strongly believe that every wife just like me wants the husband to be happy not just every time they are together but for the entire marital relationship… for a lifetime.

Since I really love reading for several reasons most of the time, for personal and professional growth, I have read a write-up on what a man looks and expects his woman to be. Upon discernment, I have decided to share it to all the wives around the globe.

  • She ought to have a warm loving nature – delighted in sharing with him all reasonable pleasures.

  • She has to be in good health – be able to encourage him to also maintain a healthy body, mind and lifestyle.

  • She has to give him the freedom from possessiveness. Men say that the excessively possessive heart tends to be quite selfish, jealous and doubtful. Thus, it attributes deprivation from the joys, happiness and fulfillments of the lifetime commitment.

  • She has the interests in making a real home. Her power to make a house a home reigned by love, respect, trust and understanding.

  • She is a certified effective and efficient manager and budget officer.

  • She must never be a nagger. She may always share her thoughts and insights; yet, this must never be done in such a harsh, rough and tough manner. Remember that nagging irritates the husband.

  • She has a set of twins: understanding and kindness for peace and harmony in the home atmosphere.

  • She feeds his husband’s ego. Learn to appreciate and love his actions and words. Sometimes, it is never harmful to make him feel superior and special.

  • She possesses physical attractiveness, faithfulness and spiritual strength. They simply complete a woman’s image – strong yet vibrant, bubbly and sophisticated.

Yet, do not live to these points alone. Remember that you should still be the real you and you’ve got to be true to yourself, too. You should also consider doing things to make you happy and never do things for him alone or not just to satisfy him. You must always do things for both of you as well as your and your husband’s happiness.

And husbands, you’ve got to do your part, too.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Beautiful in my eyes…

During our wedding day, my hubby along with our common friends, wedding coordinators and organizers, planned to surprise me as I walked down the aisle. At the altar and at the reception, he sincerely sang his heart out through these meaningful songs with tears in his eyes. Here are the excerpts and the lines that seemed to be so touching and made hundreds of eyes cry two years ago.

As sure as I'm standing here…

As sure as I'm standing here
You'll never have to be afraid
As sure as I'm standing here
I'll try and help you find your way
Oh I swear, as sure as I'm standing here
You'll never need to be alone
You've got my word
As sure as I'm standing here
Oh I swear as sure as I'm standing here

Your song…

How wonderful life is now you're in the world
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world

Come what may…

Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time

Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

These simply made our wedding day more special and memorable not just to me but to all. Now, my turn…

Beautiful in my eyes…

You're my peace of mind in this crazy world.
You're everything I've tried to find, your love is a pearl.
You're my Mona Lisa, you're my rainbow skies,
and my only prayer is that you realize
you'll always be beautiful in my eyes.

The world will turn and the seasons will change,
and all the lessons we will learn will be beautiful and strange.
We'll have our fill of tears, our share of sighs.
And my only prayer is that you realize
you'll always be beautiful in my eyes.

You will always be beautiful in my eyes.
And the passing years will show
that you will always grow ever more beautiful in my eyes.

When there are lines upon my face from a lifetime of smiles,
and when the time comes to embrace for one long last while,
we can laugh about how time really flies.
We won't say goodbye 'cause true love never dies.
You'll always be beautiful in my eyes.

You will always be beautiful in my eyes.
And the passing years will show
that you will always grow ever more beautiful in my eyes.
The passing years will show that you will always grow
ever more beautiful in my eyes.

This song has a very meaningful and sincere message – so real that it can definitely make the listener cry and so much touched. Yet, there can never be more touching and romantic than having this song dedicated to my hubby, Rainier.

Now, as you will be celebrating your birthday on December 4, as we turn six years on December 14, and as we celebrate two years of marital friendship on December 16, I must say that you will always be beautiful in my eyes. You and Baby Eieo are two of the many wonderful blessings I have ever received from God. Thank you for being a responsible hubby and best friend to me, and most of all, a very loving father to our lil prince. I love you indeed.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Getting rich at our fingertips…

I would always love to visit book sales at the malls, marketplaces and bazaars that offer and sell books at their lowest yet most reasonable price tags.

Books are my friends, my source of fresh ideas and my means of achieving professional growth on my own, silently.

I was on my quest for a new good book to add my collection of educational and informational treasures when I had seen this very handy book on how someone can get rich the soonest time possible without sacrificing the quality of life that he deserves.

I suddenly got interested in reading so I decided to buy a copy. Although at first I was not that really hooked to it, I found the book quite helpful to those individuals like my hubby and me who would always look forward for a brighter and more stable future.

I have discerned on these points and decided to make it happen, in its perfect time. Though we are not in a hurry or in a rush, we would want to achieve success and financial stability in our early years. This is not just for us to enjoy life and savor each moment but also continuously pass on to others the blessings we receive.

With this, I would like to start this good deed by sharing little things that I have found really useful and of great help. The following are some of those keys that the book cited:

• Learn the value of time.
• Set lifelong goals.
• Stay out of debt.
• Learn to accept failure positively.
• Develop winning attitudes and habits.
• Keep everything in focus.
• Work with the right people.
• Develop total self-discipline.
• Strengthen faith.
• Make happiness, not wealth, your ultimate goal.

Hope these points would help you, too. You may already have acquired, attained and established some of the abovementioned points, right? All you have to do is to develop, modify and practice these things and stuffs.

Let us all enjoy life and indulge into its beauty and riches!

Cheers to our being joyful and successful!


Friday, November 7, 2008

When my child has his first vaccine…

It was on an early morning of November 4 of this year when OUR Little Baby Eieo had his first BCG and Anti-Hepatitis vaccines. He was rescheduled on this day because he had a very mild flu during his previous immunization schedule. His pediatrician told us that it is not advisable to give vaccines to Eieo when he was in not-so good condition.

I, along with my sister and aunt, (my hubby, Rainier was at the office and so dismayed that he missed it out) brought him to the nearest yet the most reliable health-providers of our town. When I was observing the other babies being immunize, I heard them crying so loud. My little prince was sleeping during that time.

My baby was the youngest yet the chubbiest among the twelve adorable babies present inside the clinic. People – other mothers, health practitioners, keep on looking at my precious one, appreciating his physical features – and that really make me as well as my sis and aunt so proud.

When we were still waiting for our turn, my baby woke up. Despite the loud cry of the other infants, he still managed to keep on smiling and giggling. That is why he started to get the attention of many people. He suddenly became the center of attraction.

Ooppss… wait. When it was his turn to be vaccinated, my sister held my child and started to position for his first vaccine. After taking a quick photo shoot to be included in his scrapbook, I hurriedly went out of the clinic.

As I heard him cry (but not as loud as the other babies :>), my heart started to beat so fast, my knees started to shake and I even became to look so pale. The other mothers and the rest of the people inside perfectly understood since they felt the same way and considering Eieo is our first-born.

Although it just took him a minute or two (I supposed), I could not explain how I felt during that time. I was even more nervous and scared than the time that I would be brought to the delivery room of the hospital.

Seriously, my mom is definitely right. The fun and joy of having a baby also includes being nervous, tensed and so worried whenever the baby is exposed to natural and normal stuffs like immunization, being sick and the likes. My grandmom even told us that this is just the start of being a parent. More to come, they say.


Friday, October 31, 2008

My child laughs out aloud…

It has been my baby’s habit ( or may be just coincidence :> ) to wake up 3 or 4 in the morning to have his baby talk, fun-filled and playful moments, which will always last for hours.

We just love staring at him and laugh as he laughs, chuckles, smiles and giggles – a great family bonding time. In these times, we can confidently say that this is one of the million ways to feel the fun and the joy of being a parent – a very rewarding yet a challenging experience.

My hubby awfully enjoys capturing these moments and often takes a video, which will be treasured and cherished forever.

Around six to seven, he starts to get sleepy and finds his most comfortable position to pose himself to sleep. When this happens, my hubby will begin singing his lullaby. ( He is indeed a singer and a musician, after all :> )

Please see his wonderful video and witness how overwhelmed, happy and proud we are as his parents.

Enjoy, giggle and laugh with him!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

What my aunt has to say…

I remember how my aunt emphasized her tips to a better marriage during our big day, our wedding day. When it was her time to talk and share advices based from her own experiences, she told us that it is through an open and honest communication we can achieve a successful, fun-filled, satisfying and harmonious marital relationship. Here are some her points on a happy marriage:

• Communicate. Talk and listen. (Sometimes, listening is far more effective than talking.)
• Never make money an issue. Whatever he owns is mine and whatever I own is his. Everything becomes a conjugal property or belongings. (However, it is never bad to save on your own or have money with you.)
• Be intimate and affectionate. This should never be taken for granted as this gives spice and keeps bonds or ties stronger and tighter.
• Let go of petty quarrels. Arguing is not bad at all; however, having much may hurt the other or both of you and may even put the marriage at risk.
• Enjoy doing things together. Whatever the activity is, what matters is you both have good quality time together. Date and enjoy your time together.

Getting married for a year, ten months, a week and two days, I must say that these tips really helped us out. However, no matter how hard we try, still, there are some inevitable circumstances, which go between us. Though, I believe that these also make our love stronger.

I have learned a lot from our marriage. Each experience and moment I had with my hubby has always been special. Whether is has been good or not-so, I am happy that we were able to take something from it.

To all hubbies and wives out there, keep the love burning.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Silence, indeed

Through the years that we are together, I have always been the communicator, someone who is fond of telling stories, so open, transparent, expressive, and somehow talkative. I have been so used to this because I am who I am. I discuss what I think should be discussed about; I tell stories which I think worth the time; I consistently express whatever I feel to let you know what is inside me. I sincerely do these things only for one intention: to be open, to be me.

However, lately I have just realized that things are not doing so well between the two of us. With this, I must say that it now hurts and this really affects me. I haven’t thought of what the exact or right thing to do. All I know is I need a break, a retreat. Please don’t get me wrong. I just want to discern and weigh things out. For who knows, this may even benefit you.

I always wanted you to be happy but it always turns out the other way. I apologize if you think I am possessive. Don’t worry. Now, I will really try not to be one. Forgive me if I need to keep myself somehow away from you. I just want us to realize each other’s worth.

I am not sure what may happen next. But, this is what I want right now for I have just decided not to talk, interact and communicate with you.

Hasta La Proxima Vez…

(This has been an adaptation from the life story of someone who needs to regain something, which she thought she lost for such a long period of time.)


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Training up my sweet bundle of joy…

My life has been changed since I gave birth to our little bundle of joy. I have adjusted my routines, activities, habits and of course, priorities. This has been, I believe, the most challenging yet the most wonderful and rewarding responsibility one may take upon… parenthood.

Being a parent does not require formal schooling and professional training or experience. They even say that it is easy to become a parent but very hard to parent. The responsibilities do not end in giving birth. In fact, it is just a start of a very long journey of experiment, experience and reality.

I can still remember the feelings my husband and I had the moment we saw our bundle of joy: mixed emotions, unexplainable, overwhelmed, and grateful. We can never forget such emotions. However, as we felt the joy and excitement of being a parent, the intensity of being scared and challenged also increases. Fear… that we may not be able to raise him the way he should be.

But, one thing is for sure, we will always try our best to do and apply what we believe is right and necessary.

I have been reading articles, good books and other related references on parenting and I must say that I have really acquired a lot of things. With these, let me share some of the many learnings I had.

  • We, parents, should realize that training a child begins at birth and never stops. It is indeed a continuous, ongoing process, which involves the emotional, physical, mental, and most of all, spiritual aspects of our offspring.

  • Remember that as we become their first educator, we are the most important teacher our child will ever have. The teaching of home embraces and includes all the extent and walks of life.

  • Always balance discipline with love. Bear in mind that love without discipline is not love, and discipline apart from love is merely punishment. Discipline is done with loving yet firm correction, reinforcing the total impact of the teaching process. Generally, this results to a child being obedient, respectful, tact, responsible and naturally good.

With these, let us all celebrate the blessings of parenthood.

Happy parenting, dear parents!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Slowdown a Bit

The world of today offers a variety of great things and possibilities. Recent inventions and innovations make our lives faster and more convenient - our tasks easier to accomplish. Yet, despite of it all, I wonder why many people still are uneasy and seem to be weary of everything that is happening.

Reflect on these scenarios:

Are you a person who barely meets your deadlines and always receives memos from your boss?

Are you always annoyed when other motorists block your path?

Can’t you stay in the same lane during long hours of driving?

When is the last time you read a good book?

Do you seldom spend quality time with your spouse and kids?

In the middle of a heartfelt conversation with someone you care about, does your mind drift to deadlines, appointments, and stuffs that need to get done?

Do you seem to be so impatient and short-tempered lately?

If your answers are all yes, I think you should start to pause for a while for discernment – to weigh things out. Admit it. You are moving too fast and you don’t even know what you are missing. Well, better take time to read this write-up as it aims to help those busy people who certainly need a break.

Maybe then, you should try to loosen up from your daily dealings and slow down a bit. Have some time to relax and free yourself from your worries, pressures and distractions brought about by your work, business and other unnecessary socializing.

Practically speaking, things in life have been changing so fast and people have become so busy with so many things – personal life, family, career, business, work, and others.

Sometimes, they tend to commit more mistakes and have many failures as they try to accomplish all responsibilities and meet them all. With their very busy schedule, they need more time to meet all these things and forget that they have their priorities.

Being preoccupied has never been healthy; instead, it only makes things worse, more complicated, and creates many lapses. Therefore, busy people must take a good break, a time for leisure, relaxation, fun and enjoyment. These can be in a form of having some quality time with their family, loved ones and friends; hanging out in a mall or park; visit a charitable institution; read a good book; or, attend a retreat or recollection.

I remember the story of a logger who outsmarted his two other fellows after a long day of work. These two other loggers persistently kept on cutting their subject without even having their break. Despite their effort and hard work, they still failed to meet their quota for the day.

Wisely, the thinking logger performs the task slowly, having ample time for resting. Yet, he accomplished the job earlier than what was really expected.

At the end of the day, the two loggers asked him why though he took time to rest and relax, he still managed to finish the task and meet his quota earlier.

The wise logger confidently said to his fellows, “It is because when I freed my mind and cleared my head from work anxieties and pressures during the whole time I was resting, I was also able to think of a better plan and strategy. And this really helps me achieve my objectives for the day. So, I think that was what you two missed out.”

Personally, this story has inspired me to find time to unwind and loosen up. I have valued the importance of taking a break and freeing my mind from work-related stresses. In this light, I do hope that the same things will happen to you, too.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Reaping the fruits of what I sow…

Inspiring young minds and touching their lives have been my commitment in this noble profession, my vocation. Teaching in the academe for more than five years has unexpectedly touched my life and has also changed my perceptions on teaching, love, inspiration, and even life.

For ten consecutive semesters and five summers, I have been consistently and dedicatedly teaching grammar, speech, International English, business correspondence, technical writing and research. Handling these subjects over the years, I have met, dealt, communicated and interacted with various teens, adolescents, and youths – my students.

They may have different personalities, individualities and characters but one thing is for sure… they always comment on my teaching methods and strategies – that I indeed make English enjoyable, exciting and a lot fun.

Working with people on their late teens and early or mid twenties makes my profession very special and a lot more challenging. They bring surprises, give me a bundle of joy and put a spice on my professional career.

Expectedly, after each semester, they all end up as my friends; others even become my closest friends and pals. As they range mostly the same with my age and since we are all raised in an environment in the same generation, adjusting has never been an issue. Spending quality time together, during weekends, we enjoy meals at my place, chat a lot, hang out, go to malls and watch movies.

I suddenly realize how fulfilling this profession can be. Needless to say, their words of gratitude simply inspire and complete me. They are my source of strength and inspiration to come to class everyday and work with a smile.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

I am my baby’s greatest fan…

My husband and I are both blessed with a son. We named him Leo Antonio, Eieo for short. We took the names from the names of our late beloved grandfathers, the fathers of our loving mothers.

Leo is from my one and only Lolo Leovigildo, whom I loved so much since I considered him as my dad for almost twenty-five years of my life and existence on earth.

Antonio is from my dear husband’s Lolo Antonio, whom he loved very much since his lolo still knew his name, Ren, despite memory loss and other signs of aging.

I am our son’s greatest fan because I can literally say that I can stare at him and be with him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… without feeling bored and tired.

When my baby started to do his reflexes (that was according to his pediatrician) such as smiling, making faces and lots of facial expressions, he always gives me, my hubby and relatives the bundle of joy that we never felt when he was not with us yet.

Whenever he sleeps, I always love to stare at him, memorizing each line on his face, his facial features and everything.

When he yawns, I always take the chance to smell his breath… for it really smells so good as if his mouth has its own scent.

When I give him a quick yet soothing bath every 9 to 10 a.m., I always love to pamper him with the best, purest and most delicate baby products available in the market.

When he needs to be fed, I breastfeed him a lot. Though most of the times, I know that he still wants to be bottle fed even if he doesn’t say a word. So, I give him both.

These are just some of the million moments we share each day of our mom and son bonding time.

But, when the clock strikes at 7 p.m., I am no longer his greatest fan, it’s now his dad. It is no longer just mom and son bonding time… but, our most-awaited moment, our perfect family bonding.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The W’s and H of Apologizing…

Apology is an expression of repentance or guilt over having said or done something, which is perceived and considered hurtful or detrimental. This also requests for pardon and forgiveness.

For many of us, it is hard to swallow our pride and say, “We are sorry.” If you experience such difficulty in resolving conflicts and arguments brought by hurting words and actions, here are some helpful points to humbly earn forgiveness while you keep your dignity.

  • Discern and reflect. The first thing to do is to realize that what you did was not upright which may either intentionally or unintentionally hurt the other person/party.

  • Mean the words that you say. Therefore, take full account on it. There should be no excuses, no alibis.

  • Consider when, where and how to apologize. These may have effects on correcting mistakes, resolving conflicts and winning forgiveness.

  • Know the exact words to say and express your apology. This can make you more comfortable and at ease. Lesser mistakes, lapses and misunderstanding may occur.

  • Do the apology personally… face to face. Effort may mean something worth appreciating for. This also strengthens both sincerity and honesty.

  • Remember that for a sincere and true apology to be complete, it needs a resolution, a promise or an assurance.

Apologizing may not be as easy as it may seem. However, the fruits of doing so can really bring a lot to you and may change the way you feel, see things and even the way you live.


Words from the Heart

I am sorry for being too emotional,
both demanding and possessive.
I am sorry if I cry a lot…
It is you whom I can’t live without.

I am sorry if I give you sleepless nights…
for each fight and misery…
for the pain and agony…
I am sorry if there’s no serenity.

I am sorry if you think I am immature…
if I always give you pressure…
But please believe me that I love you…
Should I say sorry for that, too?


Monday, September 22, 2008

The Fun of Breastfeeding…

I never thought that breastfeeding could be as painful as what I felt on its first few days or weeks. When I had to breastfeed my child, it even made me shout and cry aloud because it was really painful. I truly admired how my mom tolerated the pain just to feed me with the best milk and give me the nutrients that I greatly needed and deserved.

Despite the pain it brought me, I consistently continue and pursue to give him the milk that he needs. I even made researches on how I can produce more milk. I eat healthy and nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables; drink lots of water; take vitamins or supplements; and, continuous fluid intake.

Needless to say, breastfeeding gives me a good realization of how rewarding and fulfilling motherhood can be – a genuine essence of being not just a caring woman but also a loving mother.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Sixty, Twenty-four, Seven…

When we are blessed with our baby boy, my nights suddenly become memorable and a lot more meaningful.

Despite the fact that I need to stay awake even if it is too late; wake up in the middle of the night for several times to check on his diapers, breastfeed or bottle feed; and, dedicate all my 24 hours to my baby, I still find this very rewarding. With just one smile from my little one, all my stresses would have gone in just a snap of a finger.

Sleeping with my son and my husband is one of the best things that happened to me both as a mom and as a wife. Seeing these two men sleeping beside me is such a great feeling. This also generally explains how happy women can be if they will be blessed with a loving husband and a dear child… just like what I have.

I simply cannot explain how overwhelm I am every time I see my hubby hugging, cradling and singing lullabies to our precious one whenever he arrives home from his office. Our son gives us the bundle of joy that only he can.

With these, I really thank God for letting me feel and experience the bliss, zeal and fulfillment of having a baby.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sudden Change of My Career Paths…

I used to be a career-oriented person. Years back, I worked as a media practitioner – segment producer/head writer of various shows and programs in one of the most prestigious networks in the country.

I was so busy living my life in the limelight and my social life was literally active – meeting different kinds of people, attending several events, doing scripts, editing and proofreading all kinds of write-ups, shootings, tapings, and the likes.

I chose this field of specialization, this career, which was full of adventures, surprises and challenges, simply because I loved doing these stuffs even if this required me 24 hours and seven days a week.

These things happened when I finally realized that I failed to spend quality time with my family. Indeed, this realization had scared and alarmed me so much that I needed to think it over and to find time for discernment. I believed something had gone wrong since I was raised in a family-oriented environment. My family should always be the first on my list, my priority.

With mixed emotions, I resigned from my post though my career was on its peak, and I was consistently receiving promotion, recognition and salary increase.

Then, I took another post from another institution. I worked as a Tertiary English Professor in today’s renowned university. This time, I have committed myself in this noble profession. I have lived my life in teaching grammar, writing, research and speech, touching the lives and hearts of my students, and inspiring young minds.

Though I am not receiving the kind of compensation I used to earn before, I am indeed happier. My moments with my sweet students are one of the reasons to stay inspired and dedicated to this kind of job.

This simply brings me joy, self-satisfaction and fulfillment.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Eieo, Our Son: God’s Greatest Gift…

My husband and I decided to see a medical expert, an ob-gyne with much specialization in high-risk pregnancy and the like. Because of my having an irregularly irregular menstruation, as expected, the findings were hormonal imbalances, polycystic and anteverted uterus… quite hard for us to have a baby as early as we wanted to.

The physician said that in a year or two, we might have a baby if continuous check-ups and medications were observed. Therefore, we started the sessions and took all the risks and chances just to be blessed with a son or a daughter.

On the second month of our marriage, we did undergo certain medication and treatment. This method might mean lots of emotional strength such as faith, patience, hope, determination, and of course, financial stability. We were so serious and eager on this medical work out; weekly check-ups, ultrasound and daily medicine intake.

We really wanted to have a baby. After the long wait, sincere prayers, consistent and determined efforts, we were blessed with a baby. It was December 05, 2007 when we knew that I was five weeks pregnant. Right after knowing the great news, we – grateful and overwhelmed, ran to the church, religiously thanked God and praised Him with all our hearts. What a very nice gift from God!

We just realized that most of the good things that happened to our lives as individuals and as a couple came on the cold and sweet month of December. We were both born in December, got married, and most of all, we learned that we had a baby boy all on the same month.

We could not explain how happy we were. He simply brings us the joy that only he can.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Guidelines for HUSBANDS…

How can a wife love her husband…
more than she can ever do and give …
more than he can ever feel and think of…

She must feel that she is prioritized, appreciated,
and most of all, LOVED.
He should always make her happy, secure and fulfilled.

Here are some pointers that a husband should always consider not just to feel loved by his wife but also to give her much joy, confidence and fulfillment. Therefore, HUSBAND, you must:

Recognize and meet her needs.

Loving your wife doesn’t necessarily mean that you recognize and meet all her needs nor assure her that you will give whatever she asks for: her wants, desires and necessities.

Many husbands deeply and sincerely love their wives yet unintentionally or unconsciously fail to consider that these women have such needs, which are not being met.

Since you love you wives, I believe you are also interested in recognizing and meeting all their needs.

The biggest needs, I supposed, that are often and most likely overlooked are the needs for communication, emotional support, sexual drive satisfaction, and companionship.

Make her a partner in your marriage.

Marriage is such a wonderful and beautiful relationship, which involves two persons who work, bind and become as one. The husbands have the responsibility in decision-making, but it doesn’t take the wives away in and out of the scenario.

Your wife has her own skills and abilities and you are to motivate, encourage her to make use of these traits in the most productive, practical and efficient way. Teamwork in marriage, that really works.

With these things in mind, heart and action, I passionately believe that these would make most marriage ties stronger and last long, even for a lifetime. Indeed, this can make happier homes that their families can surely enjoy.


Monday, September 1, 2008

I am not an accident…

I am not an accident. My birth was no mistake or mishap and my life was not a just coincidence. My parents may not have planned me but God definitely did. He was not at all surprised by my birth. In fact, he expected it.

Indeed, long before I was conceived by my mom and my biological dad, I was first conceived in the mind of God.

It is neither fate, luck, coincidence nor chance – that I am breathing at this very moment. I am alive because God wanted to create me.
The Bible says, ”The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.”

These are just some of the learning I had from one of my favorite inspirational books, The Purpose Driven Life by Mr. Rick Warren.

These lines were perceived and learned from its Day Two. These words have taken away my grudges, bitterness and resentment over my biological father. Most of all, these words of wisdom and reality have encouraged me to pursue and continue what I am doing right now, to be inspired and feel so blessed, and to keep on breathing with much optimism, love, determination and courage.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Marriage Advice…

The husband and the wife should…

Let their LOVE be much stronger and intense
than their hate and anger.

Learn the wisdom and true value of COMPROMISE;
It is always better to bend a little than to stand still yet miserable.

Deem and believe in what is the BEST than what is the worst.

Bear in mind that genuine FRIENDSHIP
is the basis to a lasting marriage.

Remember that the person you choose to marry
also deserves your respect, trust, kindness and courtesies
that you give and show to your friends.

I am…

When I got married in 2006, I finally realized that this new phase would really change my life forever – my priorities, schedules, habits, routines and activities. My hubby and I had a 4-year engagement and we were right to think that we still needed ample time for adjustment. It was indeed true when people say that you and your partner will only know one another if and only if both of you will live under one roof.

Though we knew each other for quite a long time, we were surprised that we still make many revelations not just in our daily activities, values and attitudes, but also in our perceptions, beliefs, insights and points of views.

However, I am so thankful that we always manage to resolve those conflicts and settle those things out. I believe that all these happen simply because we religiously put God in the center of our relationship.

Thus, we try our best to keep our communication lines open, stay away from petty quarrels and bridge whatever gaps we have so far. Well, of course, aside from love, understanding, respect and trust are the keys to a successful marriage.

A man wants to feel that he is always understood; a woman wants to feel that she is always loved.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The father that NEVER was…

Many people believe that a typical family is comprised of a father, a mother and a child. Yes, indeed. But, not for me. I have a family, an extended family that I can call my own though I do not have a father, a biological father.

In my twenty-four years of existence on earth, I have never seen him. Not even once. Never. Ironically speaking, he just resides nearby – a tricycle away… three streets, two subdivisions, several blocks. Well, I don’t even have a picture or anything that may remind me of him. And if someone will ask me why, well, I still do not know until now.

Needless to say, I simply consider him not just as my biological father but also a sperm donor. (I even make use of it as a joke… Whenever I would be asked on what I would tell him when we could get the chance to meet for the first time, I would just smile and quote, “Hey, thanks for the sperm.”)

Kidding aside, he never extended a hand to help my mom in raising me and granting my wants and needs. He never gave me a centavo to provide my necessities. He never had the guts to stand on his own and take accounts of his decisions. In other words, he chose his mom over us – his own family.

On a lighter side, though I don’t have my biological father with me to give me a father figure, I was so fortunate that I had my dearest grandpa, my mom’s dad, to make me feel how it was like to have a father. He was even more than a father to me. He, along with my grandma, was there for my mom through thick and thin.

Indeed, I must say that I would not be here where I am right now if not for them. They had shown me unconditional love and tender loving care that only they could ever give and share. More so, they have successfully given me my needs – be it financially, physically, mentally, emotionally, and most of all, spiritually.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I was…

I once dreamed of a happy family with the usual, typical members – a father, a mother, and their offspring. This was simply because I had none.

Since I came from a broken family, I missed to experience the joy and fun of being loved and cared by a father. I didn’t have a father figure to look up to. But, I am still indeed thankful to be loved and raised by a single parent, my greatest mom as she was supported by her mom and dad (my one and only grandparents), and her siblings as well.

They all helped me out, nourished and nurtured me to be the best someone that I am right now. My achievements, my career, my views and values in life – I owe these all to them.

However, I guess it still feels a lot better to have a family and a home that you can really call your own.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Loving My Wife More

It has been a week since our little prince was born…
And honestly, I admire how you managed the pains and long hours of labor just to give birth to our precious one.
I know how you sacrifice even your life and I’m so thankful that God saved you from such risk.
No wonder, pain and hard work really result to glory.

Now, I love you more!
Not only because you’ve given me a child but also because I firmly believe you’re worthy of it.
Certainly, this is not a commitment but I will try my best not to cause you further burden.

I love you better…
And I vow to take care of you and our offspring as long as I’m living.
Let us always replenish our love everyday; avoiding petty quarrels that make our relationship uneasy.
Let us just focus on how we can abide by our promise to love each other and care for our children.
For who knows, we still are partners even after our lives on earth

Hope you forgive me for my intrusion.

Monday, August 18, 2008

When DAD talks to our Son…

The long wait is over; finally you’re here with us,
your proud and thankful parents.

We still don’t know what to come
but then we’re hopeful that we can keep our vows
to nourish you and to provide you only the best.

Not because it is our obligation;
but because we love you dearly and unconditionally.

We will not require you to follow our steps;
but, please try not to ruin our noble dreams for you.
All we pray is that you grow old in God’s love –
bringing goodness to people and inspiring them to do good unto others as well.

Be brave yet wise.
Excel in your chosen craft yet be compassionate,

Be careful with your steps;
but then, if you fall, keep in mind
we are behind you to catch you still…

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

LOVE’s images…

The word LOVE brings to mind different pictures, expressions and emotions. It may remind us of cupid’s arrows stringing two hearts together….

… of a soft silhouette of a girl and a boy against the reddening sky against the sea walls of Rizal park.

… of a fragrance and beauty of three roses standing still in a gentleman’s hand.

… of a the locket we wear close to our hearts or simply a sparkling ring we bring often to our lips.

… of a sophisticated yet the sweetest letter written on an unconventional paper that was kept for years and when read in the most unexpected time, it can always make the recipient smile for quite some good reasons that only he/she can understand.

Likewise, it is a touch that warms the hearts and deepens angle of promises and commitments.

It is something that makes happy moments happier; beautiful things more magical; and, every good desire of the heart possible.

Simply, it is planning, dreaming and finding new ways to share depths of companionship, trust, care, affection and intimacy.

Our experience of love may be exalting and exasperating, thrilling and saddening. Love is a relationship that comes as a holy gift from God. It lightens our life, gives meaning to our existence and enriches our personality as well. It is meant to be really fulfilling and strengthening – both a privilege and a responsibility.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Excerpts from my own married life’s NOTEBOOK…

Love… how it is like for me.

Poets often describe LOVE as an emotion that we can hardly control – one that overwhelms logic and common sense. That’s what it was like for me.

I didn’t plan on falling in love with you and I doubt if you also planned falling in love with me. But once we’ve met, it was clear to me that neither of us could control what was happening to us. We fell in love despite of our differences, and once we did, something so rare and beautiful was created.

For me, LOVE, like ours that has happened only once, is something I am really proud of. That’s why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory and marked in my heart… I’ll never forget any single moment of it.

Yours was the love I was looking for; the man whom I truly wanted to spend the rest of my LIFE with…

These are just some few memorable lines from one of my favorite love stories, The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks... These words have simply inspired me to love selflessly and unconditionally.

Excerpts from my own married life’s NOTEBOOK…

My husband isn’t the expressive, showy and sentimental type of guy. Neither, he is fond of saying I love you all the time. It isn’t because he is insensitive nor less romantic. It is just because he wants me to learn how to read between the lines. Besides, he is not used to those things – knowing that I was his very first girlfriend.

He only shows his love to me in ways he truly knew best: he spends quality time with me and exerts too much effort in everything he does for me. He lightens my burdens, eases my fears and blows my doubts away by simply putting his arms around me, stroking my hair and planting a kiss on my forehead.

Indeed, I am so blessed because I have a man secure enough to let me be the person GOD has designed me to be (Well, I don’t think I’m even there yet.). I believe I am still a work in progress and Ren, in keeping his innate character of always wanting to be the best that he can be.

Likewise, he encourages me to keep on growing, try new things, pursue my interests, and live a life with optimism and positive outlook.

Though I always tell him that I love him so much, I don’t think I thank him often enough for being the kind of husband that he is to me ever since. I really thank God for bringing him into my life.

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Memo of a Child to His Parents

This write-up can be very helpful to parents in raising their children the way these kids want it to be. Hence, this can also be a way to establish good relationship and to strengthen rapport among their offspring.

Well, I hope this really could help you out.

What a child has to say to his parents…

Do not spoil me. I know so well that I should not always have everything that I want. Sometimes, I am just testing you so I ask for anything under the sun just to see how far you will go in spoiling me. Please never be afraid to be strict with me. I actually prefer such because it simply gives me sense of security.

Do not allow me to have bad habits. I do not always know what is good or bad. Never make me feel “smaller” than I am. When you always treat me like a little child, I will keep on acting as one. Please treat me as though I were older than I really am. Then, I will try to live up with your expectations. Indeed, it is a big challenge for me to grow up.

Do not correct me in front of other people. It will only make me feel so ashamed and little bit rebellious. I will appreciate it more and pay much attention if you will talk to me reasonably and in private. Don’t always make me feel that my mistakes are crimes and sins. However, don’t protect me from the consequences of my mistakes. Sometimes, I need to learn the hard and painful way. You don’t help me grow when you are overprotective.

Don’t be inconsistent for that makes me feel so confused and eventually start to lose my trust in you. Please do not tell that my worries and fears are silly. They are terribly real to me even if they don’t seem real to you. What I simply want you to do are just to lend a listening ear, and hopefully, an understanding mind.

Kindly refrain from telling me that you are perfect… that you never make mistakes because I know that you do. Besides, I don’t need nor want a perfect parent. Instead, I want you to be you… loving and understanding. If you will admit you’re wrong at times or if you will apologize for such mistake and shortcoming, don’t ever think that it lessens your self-esteem and my respect to your being my parent. In fact, you surprisingly make me feel so warm and loving when you do all these things with sincerest love and deepest concern.

These are just some of the pointers that can really make us bond so well. But, believe me mom and dad when I say that I am indeed overwhelmed to have you as my guardians, providers and advisers – my loving parents… God’s greatest gift to me.

I love you so much, Mom and Dad. Thanks for the unconditional love that you have given me. These words may not be enough but I mean it, my heart simply means it, too.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Live Longer…

Do you know that every time you get mad, you unconsciously shorten your life? Yes, you do. Same thing happens when you get irritated, depressed, weary, hopeless, and feeling bad and unhappy.

Likewise, when you tell a lie, you cheat or steal, you hate or hurt someone, you badmouth, and you pull someone down, you shorten your life.

Every time you are greedy and guilty, you think bad thoughts, you fear, you do not forgive, you don’t care and share, you make your life shorter.

Thus, when you abuse yourself either physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, and even if you just eat junk or unhealthy foods, you again shorten your precious life.

On the other light, every time you love, smile and feel good, you amazingly make your life longer.

After all, having a very strong faith in God, to oneself and to others, living with happy thoughts, positive outlook, and the right attitude, and filling your days with gratitude not just make you and other people live longer but also prolong the time you may spend with your loved ones – your family, relatives, friends, and acquaintances.

Ironies and Contradictions

One somehow contradicts the other…

This world is full of ironies and contradictions. Even in the smallest things, you could simply notice that one idea, event, belief or the likes contradicts the other. Well, take these quotations, which I have collected, as examples.

Practice makes perfect but nobody’s perfect.

Take your time but remember time is gold.

Follow your heart, just be considerate with others.

Though opposite attracts, birds with the same feathers flock together.

Honesty is the best policy but the truth really hurts.

Love is setting free while others say that you must not let your special someone go for you will never find someone like him again nor never feel the same emotions.

You should neither wait nor look for love for it will come to your door, knocking unexpectedly, but remember love comes to those who are waiting, hoping and believing.

Aren’t these things so mind-boggling? Well, just a piece of advice. Do what you think and feel is right. After all, life is what you make it. Don’t live by these rules alone. Simply, pray and trust God.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Blog Disclaimer

This blog, Realities and Realizations, is my personal site, my outlet of sharing my life’s experiences and learning. Any views, experiences, opinions, emotions and thoughts that are stated, shown, posted and represented in this blog are merely personal and solely belong to the blog owner and her guests; thus, it does not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with both in professional or personal capacity. Anything in this blog (i.e. sharing of experiences, opinions, emotions and thoughts) are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.

All contents provided and shared on this blog is for informational purposes ONLY. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, suitability and validity of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.

More so, the owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. Likewise, comments are welcome BUT the blog owner is not responsible for the content of each comment.


Since I started to fall in love with words and letters and as writing becomes my passion, I just caught myself so hooked with reading and writing about life’s struggles and triumphs. Aside from the comfort, fun, relaxation and satisfaction that they may give me not only as a writer but also as an individual, it simply helps me realize how wonderful life really is... in spite of everything and despite of anything that may come along its way.

Basically, the life’s ups and downs of different people have always touched my heart and have inspired me so much. Learning from these inspiring stories is only the icing on the cake. What makes it more significant and really interesting is the way how I understand all the perspectives of life, the person himself as well as his situation.

Knowing each and every person’s experiences either through a conversation or a dialogue with him/her is as good as reading a novel, a book or any related reading materials or articles.

Interacting, communicating and dealing with other people – be it through the use of pen or mouth, are some of the helpful ways to relate with them and their lives as well. Listening to their stories makes me value life than usual and be more thankful for the countless blessings that I have received.

Thus, I have committed my free time to write feature articles and narratives about life’s stories of trials and successes. It is my own way of passing the knowledge and learning that I have taken from other people’s daily practices and experiences.

More so, these encouraging stories cannot only make the readers cry but also can find time to have some realizations and eventually, can get as far as making a difference… something that can change their lives forever.